An all too familiar roar is heard echoing through the jungle and Kenji backs away from Darius looking around "Where the hell is that thing?" he asks. Ben moves closer to the group "it's coming!" he whimpers, Yasmina shushes Ben "it could be anywhere." she whispers "We can't stay here." Darius says as he tries to get up, you lean down sliding his arm over your shoulder but he stops you from lifting him "hey, it's not that bad." he shakily stands on his own, he is probably right but you can't help but worry.

You look over at Brooklynn who takes a step back "The observation tower was that way?" Brooklynn says questioningly walking one way then spinning around"or was it that way?" she asks wandering in a daze. "where's.." you hear Darius whisper trailing off, you turn to see him feeling around for something near his chest "My necklace!" he says panicked.
A ground shaking roar echos through the forest. You all exchange worried glances "we have to run. Now!" Sammy yells. "Darius.." you hesitate "I'm okay. I doubt it's even a sprain. Let's go." He says running after the others, with that you are off into the trees following behind your fellow campers.

"Everything will be fine when we get back to camp!" Darius says, he hopes.He is running awfully fast and has made it to the front but it has to be wearing down on his ankle. You are all running, have been for what feels like hours but has surely just been a few minutes, no one has looked back, not once. A fear of the indominous catching up to all of you creeps up upon all of the campers with every passing minute.

Yasmina is behind Darius going slower than the might usually to make sure Sammy is alright. You try to keep an eye on Darius who is only set on getting to camp as quickly as possible, this kid is resilient. you need to stop being paranoid,
'Darius is right, just get to camp.'

As you finally break through the shrubs separating you from your destination you all gasp at the sight that lay before you. The grounds have been ravaged, the cabins are torn down in piles on the ground, scattered all the way to the grassy jungle floor lay more remains of the camp, torn rope bridges that once connected in the tree tops, your camp, now just this mess that lays before you.

You all walk through the ruins examining them in utter shock. Large clawed footprints can be seen all over the campgrounds. "Dave, Roxie The other workers,.. they must've all gotten away." Sammy says hopefully. "Not all of them." Ben says with a soft gasp. You turn to see him standing by an overturned jeep, you can see blood splattered onto the grass beside it, he takes a few steps back before he trips and falls back in the grass.

While others continue around camp in shock and disbelief you quickly move to Ben's side, he gags at what he had just seen. You grip Bens hand and help him up then grip his shoulders pushing him in front of you to guide him away from the scene, you don't bother to look inside the jeep, You guys don't need to see any more gruesome sights, hopefully you won't.

Once back in the general vicinity of the others you let go of Bens shoulders and look around camp, as if absorbing it all for the first time you cover your face with your hands finding comfort only there 'this must be a nightmare.'
"Hello?" You hear Yasmina call frustratedly "Hello? Can anyone-" You hear her groan in frustration and look up to see a walkie tossed on the ground, you aren't surprised, this is happening, nobody can hear us.

"We're on our own." Yasmina says in defeat making it feel officiated. You look around to see all the others with a sad expression. You try to get your own frown off your face and inhale deeply, it's pretty easy when there is a distraction like- oh i don't know, Brooklynn Yelling? "Give me my phone!" Brooklynn orders storming up to Sammy who is trying to comfort Ben "what?" sammy asks confusedly stepping away.
'great. this again."

"I don't care about you sneaking into Dr.Wu's lab. I don't care about whatever you did with the skin samples you took from the Sinoceratops!" Brooklynn says rapidly, you furrow your brows "what?.." you whisper in disbelief "what skin samples?" Yasmina asks "what were you doing in Dr.Wu's lab?" Kenji asks after with the flood of doubt "I don't even care that you stole it now! All I wanna do is call for help! where is it?" Brooklyn persists continuing to walk up to Sammy who is taking as many steps back. You don't believe Sammy would lie.

"I...I don't know what you're talkin' about! Skin samples? sneakin' into labs? you made up crazy things in your own dang head!" and with that Yasmina steps between them. "Back up! Not everything revolves around you and your fucking phone! it's not Sammy's fault You lost it!" Yasmina snaps, you feel she is generally short tempered but this is well deserved by now.

"would you guys please keep it down!?" Ben whispers urgently, you let out an exasperated sigh, oh Ben. "There's a big-" Ben begins "A big scary dinosaur?" Kenji says shutting Ben down "No shit there's Always a big scary dinosaur!" Kenji says leaning over the other boy, oh god not this. "and you're always a big mouthed Jerk!" Ben countered.

You grip Sammy's arm, everything becomes muffled as the fighting only gets more vicious and you allow yourself to drift away to avoid the growing tension and anger that would otherwise inevitably consume you.

"NO ONE IS GETTING OUT OF HERE!" a particularly loud yell snaps you out of this state, you notice all fighting has stopped. You look over surprised to see the yelling coming from Ben "we just saw people get eaten." Ben continues, his voice lowering to a whisper "we're alone, defenseless." he drops to the ground hugging his knees to his chest "we're dead." Ben begins to tear up.

The others scoff at this or look with frowns "i can't believe this" is muttered softly before their disbanding. You kneel next to ben and rub his back gently, what you expect to be just another awkward attempt of you trying to make someone feel better doesn't seem to get a bad reaction this time.
Your touch makes him feel like it's okay for him to feel this way, like what is now his crying is okay. of course it is, all of you have been through a lot today.

"We're Not giving up." you all turn to Darius's stern voice as if he was calling you all to him. You move your hand from Bens back as he wipes his last few tears that fall then rises to his feet with you "I get it. Its scary. This wasn't how it was supposed to be." Darius begins looking towards the group "Things aren't always gonna go your way. Life is messy and sometimes..things fall apart. But that's okay because when that happens, we pick up the pieces and keep going." at this point you are all sanding around to listen"And we never give up." Darius finishes.

It takes a moment of you all processing how the boy that should be more upset than anyone is managing to keep all your heads together. "what about your necklace?" you ask "It's not important." Darius replies with a smile "i got the memories right here." Darius says placing a hand over his heart. "What are we supposed to do?" Yasmina asks "Get south to the park. Get help." Darius answers moving to the group "And the only way we'll make it is if we do it together." he states looking around at all of you "We're a team or we're nothing at all."

You exchange glances with various campers "Or, you know, we don't go back into the jungle" Ben objects which kind of weighs you down. You grip his hand and the finger that he rose before he spoke and slowly lower it. "You can wait for the negligent babysitters, but im with Darius." Kenji says shoving past you and Ben to put an arm around Darius's shoulder "Wait, really?" Darius asks in surprise "Dude there's no way i survived a dinosaur attack-" he is cut off jumping back when a large plank of wood falls straight for where he once was
"..just to be taken out by cheap camp debris. Kenji ain't goin' out like that."

Kenji looks around at all of you "We're going south. The rest of you coming or what?" Kenji asks leading Darius away "Im in." Brooklynn says following behind them. "we're in too." Yasmina says putting her arm around Sammy and they follow the others arm in arm.

"Um, but guys" Ben begins, You look back at him "come on Ben." it sounds like more of a command but he would have ended up coming along anyways, best to stay together. Ben walks quickly from the few feet separating you and him and you walk side by side catching up behind the others while he whispers "It's just one dinosaur" repeating it to himself a few times as you make your way into the jungle.

Camp Cretaceous x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon