And So It Begins

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You wake late in the night, a dull discomfort in your foot from knocking around your suitcase in your sleep. It had felt practical, necessary even to keep at the end of your bed while you slept, but now missing out on valuable leg space, you couldn't help but question your own judgement.

Sitting up, you rub your weary and watering eyes, straining to hold in the big new day yawn that is sure to come with your primal squeak. You look around checking to see if any of the others were awake, your bun a haphazard tangle of loose strands swayed at the top of your head. With not much else of a choice, you take your hair down. You hated it when your hair got in the way but it was just for now, you'll put it back up later.

You feel around for your suitcase for the latch, finding it, you pull your phone free of it turning the device on, hissing when the glare of the screen's brightness blinds you but rather than dim the backlight you quickly adapt to it instead. Though the choice now left you to feel a slight headache building behind your eyes. Squinting at the blurry screen you realize that you don't have your glasses on yet, stupid, you think critically of yourself, you've only needed them for how long? Snatching them up from where you had left them you pushed the plastic frames onto your face.

The phone's face now clear you see the time is only 12am, so you're good. You scroll through your phone idley for a minute before shoving it into your pocket to slide off your bunk. Its a rough landing on your feet, the impact jarring against your heels even as you bend at the knees and hips crouching with your momentum to soften and quiet the sound on the floor. Thankfully you seemed to cause no disturbance among the sleeping girls. Tip-toeing to the door then, you slowly and methodically open it, making sure not to wake them. Then, silent as a shadow you slip out through the narrow opening you made, turning back to face the girls, cautiously easing the door closed behind you.

Suddenly you feel something hit your back! You gasp softly, turning around back pressed to the door defensively. 

"Oh Shit!" whisper-yells a startled Darius who has his back against the boys cabin door. You take a deep breath of relief and begin to laugh at your own stupidity. Darius is soon to join you, as you giggle together the nerves of your nocturnal excursion and both of your embarrassment begin to fade away. You inhale deeply trying to steal your breath back from the shaking laughter. The fact you were both having to try and laugh quietly only making the situation funnier to Darius which, infectiously makes you laugh even harder. Oh, no it was contagious!

Both of you try to compose yourselves gathering your breath forcing serious expressions. Before you can say anything however, your phone decided to take a nosedive and leaps out of your back pocket as though it had a mind of it's own. Ugh, you groan internally,
'I should have put it in my hoodie!'

Heart skipping at the knowledge that you've been caught, you pinch the bridge of your nose, close your eyes, and take a moment to process your frustration. You look up at Darius who seems a bit shocked. "Darius you can't-" but before you can finish his expression has already softened."Can I use it?" he asks, raising a brow mischievously.

'oh so its blackmail'
"Sure." You reply.

Walking side by side down the halls as he scrolls through your phone the two of you talk in eased, friendly whispers. "You follow news on Dr. Sattlers posts?" he asks with a surprised exuberance. 

You laugh at what should be an obvious answer, he did have your phone after all. "Well, I do prefer her over Dr. Malcom if that's what you're asking, she's much less cynical and more down to earth, he writes like he's addressing the senate. Its two totally different readings, y'know?" you ponder aloud, with a slight smile Darius looks up at you

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