She was about to retort, only to stop as she found the tip of Yamato poised at her neck.

Vergil: I remember saving a Mamono child. She was happily living in her parents in her village when you and your army arrived. She told me that you were denied troops by the Chief, so you burned the Village down without hesitation. Not only that, you've turned her happy family into ashes. Her memories of her Parents loving each other like how normal couples would, destroyed by you turning her mother into a whore. Now Everytime you came near us, she wouldn't stop shaking and being afraid of you.

Shock is evident on her face, as her eyes glazed but deep in her memories.

Vergil: Now do you remember? Topaz admired the dream of your mother. Now that you took it and changed it, no longer she feels safe around other Mamono in fear of becoming like her mother. She only now trusts me and another accomplice. I'm certain you've kept your true intentions from your mother, thinking it would be a surprise.

I started to walk away. Not even batting an eye to the surprised Mamono around us.

Vergil: I want you to reflect on your actions. While I, have a priest to kill.

The sound of heavy steps drew closer as a few rows of Knights started to file in front of me.

The timing of their arrival actually impressed me. Now then, time to take out the trash, as Dante would say.

Priest Noscrim then suddenly came to view along with five other people, and from what I could get from their clothes. I'm guessing the three are the Princesses and the two are the King and Queen.

Noscrim: You! You brought them here! I knew I should've ordered the guards to kill you as soon as you arrived! Knights! Kill him!

The Knights slowly surrounded me, while some others stayed back to protect Noscrim and the royalties.

Vergil: You truly are a fool.

I sighed, deciding to no longer entertain those around me. I adjusted my collar, and let out not even a quarter of my Demonic Power.

The shockwave was enough to make Noscrim stumble and fall while the Royalties held on to each other, the Knight's stood their ground thanks to their training.

But nonetheless fell on their backs, as they frothed in the mouth while unconscious.

Now that I think about it, while being V. I saw this "Meme" Nero watched with Nico. The video itself contains this scrawny built man with a green shirt, brown pants and mustard blonde hair who also has a bit of a stubble growing on his chin. It goes something like "I'm not even using one percent of my power"

Vergil: Why am I reminded of that? Children these days will do anything for entertainment.

I mumbled under my breath. But, back on topic. Now that the Knights has been taken care of. I walked towards Noscrim.

He tried to scramble away but intimately found his back on a pile of rubble. I picked him by the neck and raised him up.

Vergil: While I know this is hypocritical, but. Truly, you are worse at being a father than I am.

Thankfully only he heard me as the Royalties backed away and the Mamono busy trying to pick up Druella who is in a state of shock.

Vergil: While I haven't met my son for years. You raised your daughter like she was nothing more but a ticket to even more power. I admit, I did something similar but you.

I chuckled menacingly.

Vergil: I know your Chief God would forgive you.

For the first time in many years. I smiled openly as my teeth showed and the feeling of pure satisfaction washed over me as I broke his neck.

Vergil's Irritation RisesWhere stories live. Discover now