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Evie's pov

Six months later

I slowly got out of bed and walked to my wardrobe.

After me and Leo got married we all moved into his house, I'm also six months pregnant. She's a girl and we even have a name for her. We are going to call her Anastasia.

I put a white dress on that went to my knee and put a jacket over it. I then brushed my hair and teeth before walking downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen to the smell of french toast, waffles and pancakes. I smiled and looked over to Leo who was cooking.

"Morning darling, I wanted you to have a lie in." He said looking up at me.

"Thank you Leo, very kind of you." I said kissing his lips.

"Morning mum!" Ashton said whilst playing on his iPad.

I took the iPad out of his hands. "No iPad at the table!"

My bump had gotten pretty big now, Shes going to be a big girl.

Ashton pouted and I walked over to Bucky.

"Mowning mama" he said.

"Morning baby" I kissed his head and sat at the table.

"Well, happy Easter boys!" I said placing an Easter egg on the table for the both of them. They both smiled and grabbed theirs.

"Not until after breakfast though!" I said. They both groaned and placed it back on the table. I laughed and saw Leo walking in with four plates of food.

"Thanks Leo" I said kissing his cheek. He smiled and sat down.

"So boys, you excited for Easter?" Leo asked.

"Yes! Mum has the whole day planned!" Ashton yelled.

"Yes I do" I said whilst taking a sip of my water.

"Ok then, Evie what do you have planned?" Leo asked.

"Well, I'm glad you asked" I grinned. "We have a picnic at one pm, we then are going to the park afterwards, and then Home for dinner."

"Alright, very busy day!"


After breakfast ashton ran towards his room to get dressed. I helped Bucky off this chair and he walked slowly to his room.

I began packing the picnic basket as Leo was getting ready.

I placed it into the car and saw Leo walking out with Ashton and Bucky.

I placed Bucky into his seat and leo put ashton into the car.

Leo got into the car and we started driving to the park. We were playing 'I spy' whilst listening to the radio.


Once we arrived at the park I placed the blanket on the grass and set the food out.

We all ate in a comfortable silence before the boys went to play on the park.

I lay my head on Leo's shoulder whilst he got my book out of the basket. He began reading to me as I sat there peacefully watching the boys play. Smiling to myself.

I couldn't help but look down at my baby bump.

She's going to be the luckiest girl in the world.

After all, I am the mafia leaders girl.

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