Part eight

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Evie's POV

I woke up to someone gently shaking me. "There she is, morning darling." I looked over to see Leo stood at my side smiling at me. "Morning." I said yawning. I looked behind me to see ashton and Bucky still asleep. "What's the time?" I asked getting out the car. "Five in the morning." He said whilst picking Bucky up. I nodded and went round to pick ashton up.

I looked in front of us to see a black private jet. "Wow, you're rich rich." I said whilst carrying ashton up the steps. He laughed and placed Bucky in one of the seats. He had a pillow around him. I lied ashton on one of the sofas and took a seat next to Leo.

"How long is the flight?" I asked. "Four hours" he said taking his suit jacket off. "The weather is 30 degrees there so i suggest you go put some shorts or something on." He said. I nodded and took an outfit out of my suitcase and walking into the bathroom.

I got dressed into a white short dress and put a corset over it. I tied the corset up and put a pair of white sandals on. I took my hair down and just brushed through it. When i stepped out of the bathroom i was met by Leo's eyes looking me up and down. I laughed at him and sat down next to him.

"What you doing?" I asked as he was typing away. "Just emailing a few people." I nodded and smiled at him.

After a while he put his laptop away and grabbed my baby bag. He took out a bottle of water and my pill bottles. He took two out and gave them to me. "We dont want a repeat of the last week." He said handing me the water bottled. I smiled and nodded.


"Welcome to Italy!" He said as we stepped off the plane. It was boiling, like a whole lot warmer than London. Ashtons face lit up when he spotted the limo. I laughed and walked towards it. Leo shook hands with the driver saying his name was Alberto and we all got in.

The ride to the hotel was quiet except ashton telling us what he wants to do in Italy.

Once we got to the hotel he checked us in and we walked to the room. Leo had to go for a meeting so its just me and the boys for now. It had one double bed and one single bed. I set the suitcases down and begun unpacking. I went to the bathroom and turned the bath on. I then placed Bucky and ashton in the bath and begun washing them.

After the bath i got ashton dressed into a pair of white shorts and a blue t-shirt. Whist Bucky was in a thin, colourful one piece. After they were dressed i put Bucky in the stroller and grabbed the baby bag and Ashtons hand. We got the elevator down to the lobby and waved at the receptionist whilst going outside. I just wanted to have a little walk around before my phone rang.

"Hello?" "Hi Evie" "hi Leo, is everything ok?" I asked. "Everything's great, i was just wondering where you were." He said. "Oh we were just on a walk but I'm going to the hotel now." I said. "Ok, be quick." He said before handing up.

When we got to the hotel i walked to the room and walked in. "Hi Leo" i said as he was sat on the bed. "I was wondering, my family want to see me as I'm here." He said. "Oh, you can go see them! We will just stay at the hotel." I said. "Well, i wanted you guys to come with me?" He said. "Would your family be ok with it?" I asked. "Of course they would!" He said. I thought for a minute.

"You're sure they'll be ok with it?" I asked again. He nodded his head. "Ok" i agreed. "Thank god! Thank you so much." He said kissing my cheek and i giggled.

"Could you get the boys dressed?" I asked Leo as i walked into the bathroom. He nodded his head. I got into the shower and shaved my legs before getting dressed into a cottage-core short flower dress. I curled my hair before slipping a pair of flower heels on.

I stepped out of the bathroom to see Leo wearing a black suit and ashton wearing a matching suit. I smiled at them and walked in. Leos head snapped in my direction and smiled. "How do i look?" I asked. "You look beautiful darling." He said. I smiled at his comment and looked to see Bucky in the stroller wearing a polka dot one piece.

"You ready" he asked. i nodded my head and pushed the stroller out of the room.


We are currently pulling up to the massive house. Now I'm starting to panic.

What if they think I'm a slut for having a son at such a young age?

What if they hate poor people?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my door opened. I saw Leo looking down at me. "Stop stressing, they'll love you." "I hope" i laughed.

We went to the front door as i was holding Bucky and ashton was holding my hand. Leo rung the doorbell and a beautiful woman opened the door.

"Oh Leo!" She said and brung him in for a hug. "Hi ma" he said. Ok so this is his mum. "Who's this beautiful woman?" She asked looking at me. I smiled at her and offered my hand. "Evie Kinsey, its a pleasure to meet you Mrs Garcia-russo." I said smiling at her. "Oh please! Call me Valencia" she said shaking it.

Once we were brought inside i met Carlos who is his father and i also met his brothers, Marcello, Lorenzo and Luca.

"Ok, ill start making dinner!" "Ill help!" I said handing Bucky to Leo. She nodded and we both walked into the kitchen. I began cutting the vegetables before she spoke.
"So, who are you to my son?" She asked.

"It's a little complicated, he is my friend but also the legal guardian of my brother ashton and my son Bucky." I said.

"That is confusing." She agreed.

I ended up telling her the whole story and by the end dinner was ready. Valencia called everyone to dinner as i sat in between Bucky and ashton. We were all making conversation before Marcello spoke up.

"So evie, tell us a little about yourself."
"Well, my name is evie Kinsey, i have a son Bucky and a brother ashton. And i also work at a cafe." I said. Everyone nodded. But i could see Carlos visibly tense when i said my full name.

"Boys, can i speak to you all in my office?" He said. "Carlos, not now!" Valencia said. "Sorry" he said as they all walked out. "Dont mind them, men are all the same." She said taking the dishes. "Do you need any help?" I asked. "No it's ok, go take your boys into the living room!" She said. I stood an picked Bucky up whilst holding Ashtons hand.

We were walking towards the lounge but i could help but over hear the conversation in the office. "Do you know how dangerous this is! You were sent there to get information on them! Not befriend them!" Someone shouted. Who are they talking about?

I ignored it and walked into the living room. Well that was until Leo stormed in. "We're leaving. Now." He said grabbing my hand i tried matching his steps with Bucky in my arms and ashton walking quickly behind us.

"Thanks for diner!" I shouted and Valencia was shouting at Carlos.

Once we got in the car i could see that he was upset. "Is everything ok?" I asked. "Everything's fine!" He said angrily. I took that as a sign to shut my mouth so i did. All the way back to the hotel it was completely silent except the little snores coming from ashton.

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