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Evie's POV

One year before

"Ashton! Are you ready for school?" I shouted for my 6 year old brother. "Yes Evie!" He came running down the stairs.

"Good boy" i kissed the top of his head and grabbed his school bag. I looked over from the kitchen to see my dad passed out on the sofa. Beer bottles all around the house, it smelled bad and all around wasn't a good house.

I grabbed Ashtons hand and walked out of the house. I locked the door behind us, opened the chain fence and walked to the bus stop. Today is his first day at school and he's very excited. We waited for the bus for about 10 minutes before getting on.

Ashtons school wasn't that far. Only about twenty minutes. "Evie?" "Yes ash?" "I'm hungry" i nodded my head and reached into my bag pulling out a banana. It's his favourite fruit. "Thank you" he grabbed the banana from my hand and began eating it.

Once the bus stopped at his school i got off with him and walked him to the school. "Ok ash, you have your lunch box in your bag, eat the little tub of vegetables at play time, and then eat the rest at lunch." "Ok Sis!" "Now, be a good boy and stay out of trouble yeah?" He nodded his head. I crouched down to his height and gave him a hug. And he hugged me back. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before waving him off.


It was now 5:10pm and i was making chicken nuggets and chips for ash. Once it was done i called him to the table and placed it in front of him with a glass of juice. I looked over to the sofa to see my dad watching tv drinking a beer. I grabbed his dinner and placed it on the sofa next to him before walking back to Ashton. "So Ashton how was your first day?" "It was really good! We made drawings!" He reached into his bag and pulled out a sheet of paper. On it was two stick people.

"Look! You're the one with long hair and I'm the one with short hair. It's our family." He smiled at me. "It's absolutely beautiful baby" i gave him a kiss before putting his plate in the sink and going upstairs to the bathroom. I started the bath and called Ashton in. He came running in and i placed him into the tub. I gave him his toy boat to play with as i started rinsing his hair.

After the bath i got him into a pair of pyjamas and placed him on our bed. There are two small bedrooms upstairs and a small bathroom. Me and ash share a twin bed.

We were reading before i heard the doorbell ring. I picked ash up and walked downstairs. My dad must've been in his room because he wasn't sat on the sofa. I opened the door and was met by my aunt, uncle, the police and our social worker.

"Uh, hi?" I said. "Evie, may we come in?" My aunt asked. "Why?"

"Evie, we think it would be the best option if Ashton stayed with your aunt and uncle in wales." The social worker said.

"No, he is fine here" i spoke up.

"Evie, you dont have a choice" my uncle said.

"No! You cant take him away from me" i cried. "We are so sorry Evie" the police officer said. "Can i at least help him pack?" I asked. They nodded. "You guys are not stepping a foot into this house, so you can wait out here." I said before closing the door.

"Are they taking me away?" Ashton asked me with tears in his eyes. "Oh baby, they will never be able to separate us, do you know why?" I asked with tears falling. "Because, i will always be here." I pointed to his heart. He burst into tears as i picked him up and walked to our room.

I sat on the bed still hugging him as i tried calming him down. "It's ok baby, you will get to be with auntie and uncle in wales." "I dont want to go to wales!" "Baby, it'll be so much better there, they have a big house, one that doesn't have rubbish everywhere and that doesn't smell, you will live in a nice neighbourhood, you will even get your own room!"
"I dont want my own room! I want to share with you, i want to stay in the house!" He shouted.
"I know baby, but it'll be better for you." I said with a smile. God, i hate lying.

he nodded after a while and i got out his suitcase and started filling it with his stuff. I grabbed his stuffed bunny and gave it to him. I picked him up in one hand and held his suitcase with the other. I walked downstairs and opened the door. They were all stood there.

I put Ashton down and crouched down.

"Ok, now you need to be a good boy for auntie and uncle. No fighting, no being rude and remember to respect people." He nodded his head as i stood back up.

"Um, his bed time is at eight, he has to take his medicine before bed and when he wakes up every morning, you need to have the night light on for him because he's scared of the dark. Oh, and he absolutely hates carrots so dont give him them. Also don't give him fizzy before bed because it makes him hyper." I said, they all gave me sympathetic smiles.

I crouched down and picked him up again hugging him. "Im gonna miss you baby" i let a tear escape. "I'm going to miss you too Evie" he hugged me back tighter.

I gave him a kiss on his cheek and then on his forehead. "I love you Ashton, more than anything and anyone in the whole world. I'm sorry you got born Into this mess." I whispered. "I love you too"

I placed him on the floor and handed his suitcase to my aunt. "Take care of him please?" She nodded her head before walking to the car.

My uncle took Ashtons hand and walked him to their car.

I took a deep breath watching them drive out of the council estate.

I went inside slamming the door behind him and storming upstairs.

I opened my dads bedroom door walking inside.

The room smelt of weed and alcohol.

He was laying on the bed.

"Well done! Are you happy? They took Ashton away" i shouted. He didn't get up.

"Get out of bed!" I shouted pulling the blanket off his body.

"Get out of bed dad!" I cried.

"You are useless! It's your fault he's on his way to wales!" I threw an empty can at him.

"Fuck you!" I shouted slamming the door walking out of his room.

I sat on my bed and just cried. I cried and screamed until i fell asleep.

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