Chapter sixteen

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Evie's POV

I am sat uncomfortably in the hospital chair next to Bucky. I am so scared of loosing him, I can't loose anyone else.

Leo went and took ashton to his house for the night and are coming back this morning. Right now I'm just looking at Bucky, not being able to do anything.

I heard the door open and ashton ran towards me hugging me. "He will be ok Evie, he's just sick." Ashton said. I nodded and smiled. I looked up to see Leo stood holding a rucksack.

"I got you some clothes from your house, just so you have something to get changed into."

I thanked him and took the clothes into the bathroom. I got dressed and looked in the mirror. It was a white long sleeved top and a blue skirt. I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth with the toothbrush Leo gave me.

I walked back into the hospital room and Leo was sat down next to ashton whilst drawing. I smiled and walked towards them.

We were having normal conversations before a nurse came in.

"He should be awake in the next hour, then you can take him home. And also here is his inhaler." She said handing me the inhaler, I thanked her and she walked out.

"Thank you again, for buying the inhaler." I thanked Leo. "No need to thank me, I did what I had to do" he said back.

I nodded and sat back down.


"Ashton hurry up and get into bed please!" I shouted from my kitchen.

Bucky was already asleep and Leo went home. Ashton was playing up and didn't want to go to bed.

"No! I'm still playing!" He shouted from the living area.

"I will take all of your toys away if you don't get your arse upstairs now!" I shouted. He huffed and ran up the stairs.

I smiled and felt proud of myself that I managed to get him to listen to me as I carried on washing the dishes.

After I finished the dishes I went upstairs and checked on the boys. I made sure they were both breathing and kissed their foreheads.

I got into the bath and picked my phone up. I scrolled through the random apps I had and got out. I got dressed into one of my dads old shirts and climbed into bed.

I slowly closed my eyes and let my dreams overtake my brain.


I slowly opened my eyes and got out of the bed. Today I have to go for the dress appointment for my wedding dress. On top of that I only had £200 and I needed to keep some for the bills and Christmas presents.

I got dressed into a mini skirt which had pink flowers on and put a black long sleeved crop top on. I then brushed my teeth and put my hair into a ponytail.

I walked downstairs and got myself a coffee for breakfast.

I woke both boys up and put them in the bath before putting Bucky in a blue onesie and ashton in black jeans, a black top and a red flannel shirt over the top. He put his Jordan's on and ran downstairs.

I began making breakfast which was oatmeal for the boys and the door opened. Leo walked in with a box of doughnuts.

He came over to me, kissed my cheek and said hi to the boys. Once I set the bowls in-front of them I paid the phone bill online which cost £50. So now that is £150 left. I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"Hey, what's up?" Leo asked. "I don't have money for a wedding dress." I groaned.

"Oh, I'm paying for it. Not you." He said sipping his coffee.

"What? No!" I stressed.

"Evie, stop stressing it'll be ok!" He said taking my hand. I nodded and grabbed my bag placing my keys and phone in there.

"Here's my card, use it!" He said kissing my cheek. I smiled and thanked him before saying bye to the boys.

I got into my car and drove to the bridal shop, as soon as I got in there I went to the front.

"Hi, I have an appointment today." I said to the lady.

She looked me up and down.


"It should be under garcia-russo?" I said.

Her eyes went wide and called a lady over. She was about in her 40s.

"Layla, please take Mrs Garcia-russo to the dressing room 15, there should be a few dresses in there already."

Layla paled and showed me to the dressing room.

We tried dress after dress and I didn't really like any of them.

I walked around the shop and came across a beautiful dress on the rack. I stopped and picked it up.

Layla took it from my hands and dragged me back to the dressing room. I laughed and put it on.

It was a beautiful white ballgown skirt, with a long ass train. The top had a corset and had puff sleeves. I smiled at it.

"Ill take this one please." I said. Layla nodded and got me out of the dress. She took it to the counter and I followed after getting dressed.

"Ok, this dress is going to cost £6000 please." I nodded and put Leo's credit card in.

It went through and she said she'll help bring it to the car. She put it in one of the dress bag things and walked it to my car. I thanked her and drove off.

Once I got back home I walked inside with the dress in the dress bag.

"Let us see what one you got!" Leo said.

"No! That's bad luck, you'll see on our wedding day." I said kissing his cheek and putting it upstairs.

I heard him laugh and I couldn't help but smiled.

What does this mean?
I care about him
He is like a father to my kids
And we had sex together
Am I...
In love?

The mafia leaders girlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon