Whiskey Old, Women Young

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Whiskey pounds through my veinsnumbing the lingering ache in my chest

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Whiskey pounds through my veins
numbing the lingering ache in my chest.
I shouldn't be here, but you said to go,
go out have fun. That was one of two requests.

An impossible task if you had to ask me,
but still here I drink in the bar on the West Side,
while half my heart lays dwindling in a hospital ward,
because you forced me away from your bedside.

I'll poison my own blood with Whiskey,
as your own blood slowly poisons you within,
your life avoided the scenic route and
instead took the highway for a spin.

Droplets fall from my face to the glass,
My drinking companion's breath is sweet. Honey liquor.
'I like my whiskey old and my women young,'
Death nods and says softly 'that's why I'm taking her'.

We were here in this bar barely three months ago,
us dancing and laughing as I stood on your toes.
You gave a second request tonight 'Jack, please love again',
but they don't teach you how to stop loving Madi Meadows,

I don't think I'll ever find love again.
Not when I was loved by a fire soft as daylight.
So I breath, finish my drink. I need you, but at the minute
you need me more, to hold you through the night.

My phone lights up. The hospital number. I sober, instantly filled with dread.
'Hello' I whisper. Half my heart vanishes from inside, because you're gone, you're...

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