Chapter 1

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Your P.O.V

We were leaving Berk, it was too dangerous, I was 1. It would be too dangerous if a dragon came and snatched me, I'm an adventurous kid, I explore a lot. I'm in my mother's arms, we have been in this boat for ages! I saw an island come into view, it looked horrible, grey stone spikes coming from everywhere.  

We docked into the island, we climbed out of the boat. I walked with my Mother,Father and two brothers.  

" Welcome to Outcast Island! I am Alvin the treacherous" I heard a man say, I looked up and saw a large man, looking down at us.  

We walked to where our house was. I tried to go up the wooden stairs, my mother picked me up and took me up stairs, she put me in my wooden bed and I fell asleep.

-11 years later-

I woke up and got out of bed, it was my 12th birthday! I made my way down the stairs. I saw my family huddled around the table.  

" morning" I said trying to get people's attention.

" hey sis!" My brothers said 

" come over here!" My mother said 

I walked over to the table and sat on my chair.

" here is a present from us" my brothers said, giving me a dagger and a sheath for it to fit in.  

" thanks" I said hugging them.

"this is our present from your mother and I" my father said. He handed me a bow,with a quiver full of arrows. 

" thank you so much!" I said hugging them.

 " do want to try them out" my father said. I grinned and nodded.  

We went to the forest, I pulled back my arrow and shot one of my arrows it went so far, I need more practice. I walked over to pick it up. I heard a strange noise. I decided to go back to my family.

" let's practice that a bit more, but not now" my mother said. We walked back to the village, we heard the weird noises again.

" dragons!" Someone shouted. My dad got out his axe.

" get them back to the house!" My dad ordered my mum, she nodded, we rushed to the house. I saw my father battling a monstrous Nightmare, I thought he was winning the battle, I was wrong. He got blown apart with blazing fire. I burst into tears and my mum and my brothers engulfed me in a hug. then it got hot, I opened my eyes seeing fire around us.  

" mum, the house is on fire" I said  

" oh no, everyone out" she said. I got out first, then my brothers, as mother was coming out the whole house collapsed.  

" noooo!" I said, I ran back, my brother held me back.

"don't y/n you have a whole life ahead of you" one of my brothers said to me
" it's not safe here's lets get to the forest" one said. We all ran towards the forest,until a group nadders surrounded us.

" run y/n, save yourself!" My brothers said.   

"I'm not leaving you" I said gripping onto my bow.  

" yes you are! Now go!" One shouted. I wiped a tear. I hugged them and slid from underneath the legs of a nadder. One of the dragons saw me and started to chase after me. I ran through the forest, I fell into a cove and everything went black.  

I woke up finding myself in the cove, the Nadders got lost. I tried to climb one of the cliffs, I slipped and fell down. I landed on the hard ground, I groaned and got up again. I looked up and saw a night fury tied up in bolas, I got out my dagger and walked over to it. I have never seen a night fury before. I saw its eyes were open and it was starring right at me, it had outstanding blue eyes. I should kill it, but I can't , why can't I kill it? I tried again, I didn't want to hurt it. I gave up and chose to free it. I cut the ropes. It stood up, I looked at it in amazement. It starred at me then flew away.  

I was walking back to the village. I tried to look for my brothers I couldn't find them, I called for their names. No response. I saw two bodies lying next to each other, my brothers! I ran over to them. I nudged them, no response again.

" hey guys! I saw a Night Fury!" I told them. I felt their pulses, nothing. I'm all alone, I cried.  

-3 months later-  

I was practicing my archery, I'm finally getting good at this! I heard a branch snap behind me I saw a monstrous nightmare! I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I fell over and it trapped me in its claws. I saw a plasma hit the dragon, making it backed away. I got up and hid behind a tree.   

They started fighting, the Night fury scared the monstrous nightmare away. I came out from behind the tree. It looked at me, I dropped my weapons. i knelt on the ground and held out my hand. I looked away keeping my hand still. I waited until I felt scales touching my hand I turned to face the dragon. It's pupils were now bigger. It looked friendly, It was wagging its tail like a dog and had its tongue sticking out of its mouth. I laughed at the creature. I stood up, I noticed a lake so I grabbed my bow, I heard a snarling, I ran over to the pond and aimed at a close fish, I got it. 

I picked it up and gave it to the dragon, it ate it in seconds. It might be a boy dragon. I sat down on the ground looking at the dragon. He looked at me and then he made weird gurgling noises, don't tell me he is about to puke. A fish came out of his mouth and landed on me. 

" ewww" I said, I looked at the dragon and it was like he was signalling for me to eat it. I took one bite and swallowed it.  

" that was disgusting" I said. I gave the dragon the fish and he ate it.  

 " what should I call you?" I asked the dragon, he looked up at me.  

" night fire? no, nighty?no, plasma, no, how about..........Firestrike?" I asked the dragon, it smiled at me.  

" I guess your name is Firestrike" I said, I looked at the sky, it was getting dark.  

 " I better go" I said, it cooed at me. Then flew away.  

Over the past few weeks Firestrike and I have become great friends.I decided that I wanted to fly with Firestrike. I climbed onto him and we flew in the air. I found it kinda uncomfortable because of his spiked back , so when no one was around I made a saddle.The next day, I put the saddle on Firestrike.

" let's try this again" I said. I climbed onto the dragon and held onto the handles that I put on. Firestrike shot into the air and flew in the sky, we went above the clouds. It was amazing, we landed back on the island and I climbed off the dragon.  

" see you tomorrow buddy" I said and went back home.  

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