Chapter 20

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a/n we've gotten unbelievably bad at updating, so from now on just comment when you want an update and we'll start writing ✋💀


me: what does everyone want an update for?

everyone: drama!



Jungkook rolls over, frowning as he feels his arms wrap around a pillow and not Jimin, the sheets still smell of him, expensive cologne and lavender, and opens his eyes briefly. The door is closed, but he's not too worried. Jimin's probably just in the kitchen or taking a shower.

He stands up, rubbing his eyes, not bothering to check his reflection in the mirror as he closes the door behind him, running a hand through his hair as he heads down the stairs, finally having gotten a good night's sleep in a while. Maybe Jimin's calling the school right now to tell them they won't be there.

He's about to open the kitchen doors when he stops in his tracks, hearing Jimin's shout, a bang and a rough voice, sounding like his father.


He knows he shouldn't be meddling in their family affairs, which is why he decides against coming in and backing Jimin up, just kneels down and listens through the crack in the door. Still probably not morally correct, but... Jimin's his boyfriend, he should be allowed to know a little of what's going on in the house. And it's not like he keeps mental notes on everyone in the family like his mom does.

"I don't care what you're gonna say!". Jimin yells. "I told you I'm quitting, and if you need someone new for the job, take Jungkook!".

"You can't just-".

"Yeah, I can. I'm shit at what I do anyways, I got all the advice from Mrs. Jeon since you don't listen to "people below you", you selfish prick. And I'm not interested in business or the family legacy or whatever shit I'm supposed to do-".

"It's not a matter of whether you're interested or not, you have to!".

"It's my life, not yours! I told you, I don't give two fucks about the business!".

"What do you expect to do with your life, then?!". Jimin's father shouts back, and Jungkook winces.

"Do you really want to know?". Jimin scoffs. "Or are you just trying to change my mind? Because it's not gonna work.".

"You can't expect to get into any industry that you don't have connections in- ''.

"Don't you get it?! I don't want to manipulate and cheat my way into a job, I'm actually willing to work for it! You're literally just-".

There's another bang, the sound of a glass being slammed onto the counter as they both yell over each other and Jungkook winces.

"What do you even expect me to do with my life?!". He's able to make out Jimin shouting. "Just get married to some girl from a rich family, work as whatever you want me to and make money for you! Never being allowed to have my own opinion and trapped in this goddamn house?!".

"Is that really too much to ask?! It's your duty-".

"Oh, fuck off with you and your duties and responsibilities, it was your duty to raise me well and treat mom well, and you did neither.". Jimin scoffs. "Fucking hypocrite.".

"Jimin, I won't-".

"What are you going to do next?! Marry me off to shut me up?!".

"Stop making it sound like we're selling you off, but it's an arrangement- ".

"Are you fucking kidding me?". Jimin asks. "You are selling me off so that your company can make more money, but you don't fucking get that I don't care about the family legacy. You can do it, take away all my money and inheritance, buy me a shitty apartment somewhere so that I see what the real world is like, and I still won't come crawling back and marry some girl you want me to, because I both think we know perfectly well that even if I ever got my way, I wouldn't be marrying one-".

"Are you-".

"Yes, father, I'm saying what you think I am. I don't care if you told me to supress any unnatural thoughts when I was younger, because no matter how much of a fucking faggot I am, at least I'm not cheating on my wife, beating my son and being a complete fucking obtuse asshole.". Jungkook can practically see Jimin's icy smile in front of him, the cold glint in his eyes.

"I'm done with you. Do whatever you want, take away everything you gave me, and give Jungkook my job if you need someone to take it, if he asks and you reject him without giving him a chance, you'll be surprised how your shares turn out by the end of the year. Don't test me, I learned from the best. You.". He turns around, shooting him a warning look before he slams the door behind him, looking surprised as he sees Jungkook.

"Oh, morning, bunny. Did you eat yet?".

Jungkook shakes his head, surprised at how Jimin's cold sneer disappeared, turning into affection as he kisses the top of his head.

"Did you hear everything?".

Jungkook pauses, contemplating whether he should tell the truth or not.

"Yeah.". He admits. "I didn't really-".

"It's fine, I'm sorry that you had to hear all that. Just, uh, family business. Anyways, when do you want to start your job?".

"Are you actually-".

"Yep. You'll get a trial starting whenever you want.".

"I thought you said you didn't want to use connections- ".

Jimin sighs.

"I know, I didn't want to, so I want you to not do anything stupid, work hard and prove them wrong, okay?".

"I will, don't worry. But, uh, are you okay?".

Jimin sighs again, smiling drily.

"I will be. Don't worry too much, I'm used to this, But we need to talk again.".

"What about?".

"You know I really, really like you, and- ".

"You don't need to sugarcoat it for me.". Jungkook tells him. "I think I know what this is about, so just tell me.".

"Okay, but I want you to know that I'm not breaking up with you if I can help it. But the problem is my family. Sure, my dad's a jackass but I can get my way with him sometimes. I just want to make sure you're prepared. We're turning 18 soon, and in a few years my family wants me to marry, which is why they're going to assume that any relationship I'm in right now is going to be my partner for life. But, um, our problem is that they're all a bunch of classist bi-".

"They're going to hate me? Because I'm broke and gay?".

"Exactly. I know it's going to be hard, but-".

"Jimin, I know. I knew the consequences from the start, and I can handle it. There's a reason I thought we'd be a one time thing, remember? I've gone through this shit before, and I know how crazy your family can be, but we're in this together, right?".

Jimin laughs nervously.


"And in the worst case, we can steal your family's fortune and run away together, right, baby?".

Jimin laughs, a real laugh this time, hands running up Jungkook's waist and kisses the corner of his mouth gently.

"Of course. So, let's not cry and throw tantrums and break up like in movies, we're gonna get through this, okay?".

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