Epilogue 2

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"Jungkook! Jimin!"

Namjoon, who's seated on an empty table waves them over, a wide grin on his face.
Jungkook and Jimin wave back, wearing matching smiles as they squeeze their way through the crowds, reaching the table.

"Joonie!" Jungkook exclaims, sitting down next to him. "How are you, where's Jin?"

"He's parking the car." Namjoon replies, watching as Jimin sits down next to Jungkook, taking his hand. "Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung are all still on their way."

Handing each of them a menu, Namjoon goes back to his own, his eyes not leaving the entrance, until he sees Jin walk into the restaurant.

"What's up?" Jin greets, pressing a kiss onto Namjoon's cheek, before taking the last seat on that side, next to his boyfriend.

"Not much." Jungkook responds. "Just work. A lot of work."

"Mhm, that's tough." Jin says. "No child drama?"

Jimin groans. "Don't even remind me. Jungkook lets our daughter read my written porn."

Eyes wide, Jin cackles, basking in Jimin's pained expression. "Your books have smut?!"


"Oh my god, I'm buying one." Jin exclaims, googling Park Jimin smutty, and ordering a copy of a book titled "Insatiable".

Before Jimin can protest, Hoseok and Yoongi arrive, Namjoon stands up to greet them while everyone just waves hello, and they sit down in two empty seats across from Jimin and Jungkook.

"Babe, you need to learn how to drive properly." Hoseok sighs, grabbing Namjoon's beer and taking a large gulp. "He nearly crashed like, five times."

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Well, I didn't want to be late."

"And I didn't want you to crash the thousand dollar car."

"You should see Namjoon drive." Jin comments. "I tried teaching him once and he nearly killed us. Never again."

"When's Taehyung coming?" Namjoon sighs.

"He's late, like always." Hoseok answers cheerfully.

"He's probably taking care of his secret lovechild." Jimin says at the exact same time.

Namjoon blinks. "You need help."

As if on cue, Taehyung comes rushing into the restaurant, gathering a few weird looks as he plops down next to Yoongi, tossing his leopard print coat onto the last empty chair.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late," Taehyung starts, dramatically grabbing someone's glass and taking a large sip. "Ooh, that's strong. Anyways, my clients are wack and there was loads of traffic."

"Hey Tae." Yoongi greets. "You look like a twink."

"Hey Yoongi." Taehyung replies. "You don't have a million-dollar cosmetics chain and it shows."

"Oh my fucking god, it's been years, can't we drop the whole dick measuring contest by now?" Hoseok complains.

Both Yoongi and Taehyung immediately begin protesting, and Jin just sighs.

"Just like old times."

"Just like old times." Jungkook agrees.

Namjoon grins. "We used to go to the place next door a lot, remember?"

"Of course. Cause Koo and Joon always forced us to not go to expensive places." Yoongi says.

"We were broke back then." Jungkook answers with a shrug.

"Exactly." Namjoon agrees.

"Good times." Hoseok sighs, leaning against Yoongi.

"Not really." Jimin counters. "I still have major trauma from exam season."

"Join the squad." Yoongi says, groaning. "I'm so glad I'll never need to cram for finals again."

"Ugh, same." Taehyung agrees.

"Remember Namjoon and Jungkook being excited for finals?" Hoseok asks.

"I wasn't excited!" Namjoon protests. "I just-"

"I beg to differ." Jimin interrupts. "You were smiling while writing the exam."

"Oh my gosh, it was so cute." Jin gushes. "He used to write love professions on the cheat sheets he'd hand me."

"That's so cute!" Hoseok squeals.

"Jimin wrote books for me." Jungkook brags. "Beat that."

Everyone laughs, even Jimin, and the conversation takes a turn to their relationships, families, jobs, embarrassing stories, then just any random memory that pops to their head.

Hours pass as they continue to talk, the drinks being re-poured and downed, the crowds beginning to trickle away, until the restaurant is almost empty, and it's just the seven of them sitting around a large table, drinking and laughing.

"Maybe we should leave soon," Jimin suggests. "It's getting late."

With a yawn, Yoongi agrees. "Yeah, I still need to go to work tomorrow."

A chorus of yeah's and same's echo around the table, they briefly argue about who's paying, before escaping the warm building, and standing on the street, a gust of wind flying through the air as they exit.

They say their goodbyes, emphasising on how much they missed each other, tight hugs and promises to meet up soon.

Closing the car door, Jungkook climbs into the passenger seat of Jimin's BMW, taking Jimin's hand.

"That was really fun." He tells him, a content smile on his face.

"You know what else would be fun?" Jimin asks, smirking.

Jungkook sighs. "You just had to ruin the moment."

"Babe, let's smash."

Looking exasperated, Jungkook leans over and presses a kiss on Jimin's cheek. "I hate you."

"Mhm, I don't think you'll still be saying that when I make you scream tonight." Jimin retorts.

Jungkook pauses, deciding to stay silent. After all, there's some truth behind Jimin's words.

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a/n AHHHH WE WERE GONNA PUBLISH THIS YESTERDAY BUT THE PARENTAL UNITS TOOK OUR PHONES anygays give me questions (if you haven't already or if you have) for the Q&A i like to talk about myself (jkjk but go do it)

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