Chapter 13

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"Fucking hell.". Jungkook curses as he climbs out of Jimin's bed, his hair's a mess, eyeliner smeared on his cheek, and fuck, his head hurts more than he ever thought was possible.

"Jungkook?". Jimin asks groggily, rubbing his eyes.


Jimin raises an eyebrow, ruffling his hair.

"How did we get home last night?".

"Uh... I think we took a taxi after we were on the roof.".

"The roof?". The second the words are out of Jimin's mouth, he groans, trying to hide his flushed cheeks, praying that Jungkook forgot about that, or at least never understood what he was trying to say,


"You never told me who your crush is.". Jimin says, stroking Jungkook's hair. He's lying in between his legs again, head on Jimin's chest, occasionally taking a drink from the bottle of liquor Jimin got from the kitchens. Jimin's smoking, occasionally blowing a puff in his direction,

"You won't trick me into saying it.". Jungkook says. "I'm not gonna say anything while I'm drunk.".

"Can I try and guess?". Jimin asks, and Jungkook shrugs.

"You said he's cute. And people always ask if you're dating. And he's rich, And he hangs out with you a lot.".


"What else?".

Jungkook smiles, accepting the cigarette from Jimin and takes a cautious drag.

"He flirts with me a lot, I guess. But in a joking way, just as friends.".

'Jungkook, there's so many people in our school that fit that category. I'll try the second hint. Who do people ship you with, other than me, of course?".

"Why do you care so much?".

"I want you to be happy and in a relationship.".

"Then date me.". Jungkook blurts out, and Jimin laughs.

"Stop being sarcastic, you little shit, and learn to respect your elders. Why don't you just ask him out?".

Jungkook sighs, handing the cigarette back to Jimin.

"It's not that easy. Even if he likes me, he just wants to fuck me. He doesn't really do deep relationships like I want.".

"You know what, fuck him. You could do so much better. Just date me or something.".

Jungkook laughs drily.

"Now you're the one being sarcastic.".

"What if I'm not?".


"So... do you remember what I said last night?".

"That the guy I like is an asshole? Or is it something else.".

"Oh... yeah... Sorry if that... hurt your feelings.".

Wow, I'm such a good liar.

Jungkook shrugs.

"It's fine.".

You just insulted yourself, that's nothing to be sorry about,

Usually, Jimin would be fine with saying something like that, it's not like he doesn't flirt with Jungkook at every chance he gets, he literally slapped his ass the other day, in front of Mrs. Jeon. But confessing seems a little... overwhelming.

Not overwhelming, actually. He has morals, at least some. It's true that he's trying to get Jungkook to like him not some random guy that probably doesn't even know Jungkook's favorite color (black), or favorite candy bar brand (Mars), or math grade (A-) or favorite Disney character (Li Shang, since he liked Mulan even when he thought she was a boy) but it's just harmless flirting, implying that he's better than his crush, which he totally is. But by asking him out, he embarrassed both himself and Jungkook, and while doing that would have ruined their friendship as well. And as much as he'd love ruining their friendship and making out instead, he doesn't want to lose Jungkook. Even if that means watching while he falls head over heels for said loser who doesn't know a thing about him.



"I've sort of been wondering...".


"Why do you always spend time with me when you have so many chances to ask that guy out? I know we're best friends but I really don't mind if you ditch me once in a while.".

"I'm scared to ask him out, so what can I do?".

"Just muster up your courage and ask him if he wants to do something with you. It's not like you're a total loser, and you're cute, too. And the worst thing that can happen is that he'll say no. It's not the end of the world, and if you get rejected, I'll buy you ice cream, how about that?".

Jungkook laughs.


"Call him or something. Do it now.".


"Yeah, now.".

Maybe he's gonna be a total asshole with major red flags on the first date and I'll get him to myself, Jimin thinks bitterly. Or they're gonna date and break up and Jungkook's gonna cry in my arms all night and fall for me like in the movies.

Jimin leans back and waits as Jungkook types on his phone, and as Jimin's about to ask whether he asked him or not, he gets a text from Jungkook.

want to go out sometime?

Jimin blinks at his screen, trying to calm his pounding heart, and laughs.

"See, that was great! Now text him the same thing!".

Jungkook sighs.

How is he so fucking clueless?!

"I already did.".

"Ooh, good luck, then!".

Jimin positively beams and Jungkook resists the urge to grab him by his collar, punch him in that stupid face and then kiss those stupid lips and apologize for hurting him.


"Hey, hottie.". Jimin greets Jungkook, slapping his ass as he walks into Jungkook's room, where he's changing.

Jungkook turns around, surprised, and laughs nervously, tugging his shirt off.


"What did he say?"


"Your crush, genius.".

Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"He didn't know the message was for him.".

"Wow, what an idiot.". Jimin scoffs. "You have shit taste in men, Kook. Just date someone smart, like me.".

"That's a low bar to set.". Jungkook mutters, and Jimin rolls his eyes, hitting his arm.

"Ugh, you're just like Tae these days. Just tell him it was actually meant for him, and that you actually want to spend time with him.".

Jungkook nods, turning around to face him.



"You're an idiot. That message was actually meant for you. It's you I want to hang out with.".

Jimin grins.

"Leave out the idiot part, and you're good to go! Good luck!".

He coos and pinches Jungkook's cheek before heading out, then slumps against the door.

Fuck being a good, supportive friend, Why can't my life be like a K-drama where he was actually confessing to me not just practicing?

𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐦𝐞 • 𝐣𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora