Chapter 8

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"Hey, Minnie!".

Jungkook nudges Jimin, who rolls around, pulling the blanket back.

"What is it? And what's with the new nickname?".

"Well, you call me Kookie so I'll call you Minnie. And we should get up.".

Jimin sighs. After their conversation last night, he's exhausted. It's going to be hard talking to Jungkook knowing he likes someone else.

Jungkook meanwhile, is taking Jimin's advice to heart. It hurt last night, he hoped Jimin would get the hint, but he didn't. Well, he doesn't really know what he wanted to happen. The thing is, he's not sure how Jimin feels. He doesn't want to get rejected, friend zoned or fuckbuddy-zoned.

But maybe, just maybe, if he follows Jimin's advice, tries to show him, he might start to feel the same way. Maybe he can make Jimin fall in love. Just maybe.

Jimin turns around and smiles gently, pushing Jungkook off.

"Shit. I forgot that we have school today.".


At lunch, Jungkook is sitting on Jimin's lap as usual, not in a flirtatious way, but because the cafeteria tables fit six people and their group is four, so the two of them are either squeezed together, legs over each other, or on each other. The door swings open and Taehyung comes in after Yoongi, which causes Jungkook to perk up.

"Taetae! Can we talk?".

Taehyung grins, then nods.


"Like, somewhere more private?".

Taehyung nods, and Jungkook stands up.

"I'll be right back.". He tells Jimin, and follows Taehyung into the hallway, leaning against one of the lockers.

"What's wrong?". Taehyung asks, as Jungkook sighs.

"I like Jimin.".

"Wow.". He says monotonously. "What a shocker.".

"That's not the main problem right now. It gets worse.".


"Okay, so, I told Jimin I have a crush on Saturday. But he thinks I like someone else, and even gave me advice, even though I was clearly describing him. What do I do?".

"Just confess. He likes you. And you clearly like him. What's the problem?".

Jungkook sighs.

"I know he likes me. But he doesn't like me the way I like him. Jimin wants sex. I want love. Jimin sees me as, like, a cute friend that he'll win over one day. And he will. I'm trying to minimize the damage, but one day, I will give in. And then, he's going to throw me away. He's going to break my heart, and I'll let him. But I still like him, and I won't stop liking him. I want to stay friends, too, but once we break up, or he tells me he only sees me as a hookup, I'm gonna avoid him. So I'm trying to cherish what we have now, and not fuck up so early.".

Taehyung frowns.

"That's... really sad. I wish I could tell you that you're wrong, but I don't know. Jimin hasn't spoken to me about you. In the meantime, just... I don't know. Make it clear that you like him, but without making it uncomfortable. Jimin likes you. And if he sees the real you, I think he'd see you as more than a hookup. But again, he hasn't told me much.".

Jungkook nods.

"I figured. He tends to bottle things up.". He sighs again. "I'm just waiting for the day I give in, and I know I'm going to love everything we have. I'm going to cling onto it for ages, until I hate him. So, I'm just going to let him break my heart another day, or week, or month, or year.".

Taehyung sighs. "I know he might come off as cold or unapproachable, but don't worry. As social as Jimin may seem, as jealous as you are about him dating others, he's actually a total softie and introvert. He might act like Korea's fuckboy, but he's a sweetheart.".

Taehyung flashes Jungkook a pained smile.

"He likes you. He's never that open towards people, but.... he seems to trust you. I know it's a lot to ask but... take care of him, okay? I know about your mom and everything, and that you live with Jimin. If you think something's wrong, don't hesitate to find out. Jimin's life is... complicated, to say the least. Just a little heads-up: If he tells you he's fine and you need to leave, he wants you to stay and he's not fine.".

"Thanks. I figured if I'm gonna live with him, I should probably do something in return, anyways.".

Taehyung flashes him a thankful smile.

"I can talk to Jimin, if you like.". He offers.

"It's okay. We need to figure this out on our own.".

"Are you sure?".


Taehyung nods.

"Well, should we go back then?".

"Yeah. Thanks, Tae.".

As they go back through the doors, and Jungkook is about to sit back down, Jimin glares at Taehyung. It finally hit him. He knows who Jungkook likes. How did he never notice? Taehyung and Jungkook are weirdly close, Taehyung does take him out, he's sweet, handsome, everything. Maybe that's why Jungkook got so nervous when Taehyung said he should date Jimin. It's all adding up, he thinks.

"We need to talk, too.".

Tae sighs.

"Sure. I should get paid for this.". He jokes, as Jimin drags him back into the hallway.

"I really wish it didn't have to be this way.". Jimin tells him with a cold smile. Then the smile drops, and he groans. "Well, shit. He confessed, didn't he? Okay. That's totally fine. I don't hate you or anything. Just... treat him well, okay? Don't reject him if you did. Yeah. Just don't-".

"What the fuck are you talking about?".

Jimin sighs.

"Sorry. But what do you have that I don't?! Why does he like you and not me?!".

"Okay, who?".

"Jungkook! Who else? Tell me, what do you have that I don't?!".

"First of all, common sense. Jungkook doesn't like me. He told me he likes someone else and wanted advice.".

Jimin lets out a relieved sigh.

"Thank God. I don't need to hate you. Who is it? And what does he have that I don't?".

"You're so dumb it hurts. But Jungkook won't want me to tell you whom he likes. He wants to do it personally.".

"Why? It doesn't even concern me. Well, I'm his best friend, but he doesn't know I like him, right?".

"You're giving me a headache. Let's talk about this some other time, I'm starving.".

so when this gets 20 views we'll hit 1K
that's wild-
also I need y'all's opinions on this: i was gonna make this really slowburn, but it's hard and very boring to read if I drag it on too much, which is why I did a lot of oneshots. so i just want you to know they've been living together for a few months now.
now for the question:
how many chapters dk you want before they get together?
or more or less?

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