Forever [7]

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Ritchie watched Ruth and Reese playing in the kitchen. None of the cooks were in there, allowing the two kids to make a gingerbread castle. Ritchie was supervising them, appreciating every moment with them.

He didn't often get to spend time with them. Things were very complicated when it came to the children of Gretal, and Gretal herself. His connection with them was secret, but Mario knew. It was why the prince hated the wolf.

"Ritchie, here!" Reese said, as Ruth handed him a piece of candy with icing on it. The icing read "for the best big brother!" and it brought a smile to the princes fate. He might be the bastard child of Prince Charming and Gretal, but he was happy.


Jakey walked with his friends down the path in the gardens, looking at stalls and sometimes buying a thing or two. So far Jakey had bought a pair of new shoes, something he often did.

As they talked, Jakey noticed Pat and his friends sitting near some flowers in the gardens. He glanced at Bryan, his roommate. Bryan caught his glance, giving a glare in return.

Jakey looked away quickly, not wanting to anger the hooded boy anymore. After all they lived in the same dorm, and Jakey didn't fancy getting kicked in the face again. His nose was still slightly sore from it.

"Students." A voice said. Jakey turned to see Hansel Crumb, the cooking class-ic teacher. "You five have been chosen to interact with the magical creatures first today. Please keep in my mind that these will not be your pets, but they my be other students' pets."

"Thank you Mr. Crumb." Bri responded for the group. Hansel quickly left the group, heading back towards the school. Jakey saw him go in through the kitchen side entrance, though he only opened the door enough for him to slip inside.

"Well, we should get going. I want to see the creatures!" Kayla said, starting off in the wrong direction. Yuki grabbed her and pointed the neverlandian in the right direction. The group then began walking towards

Jakey smiled. He wanted the world to stay like this forever, at least until the signing. It was amazing to be this happy and to know that he would have a happy future. Who wouldn't want this?

(Sorry this chapter is so short, it's mainly just some filler and explanation)

Ever Origins HighOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora