Bonus Chapter: The Next Baba Yaga

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Baba Yaga worked at Ever Origins high during the school year as the Spells, Hexes, and General Witchery teacher. Because of that, her hut would get a few birds or mice that would come live inside. One such bird was a raven that was still in it's nest with a single egg, obviously to the fact that the egg was not going to hatch and that the old crone that lived in the house wasn't going to let it stay there.

Baba Yaga picked up her broomstick and began swinging at the bird, who had made it's home near her cauldron that had a bubbling potion brewing inside. The raven squawked and began flying frantically around the small hut as Baba Yaga continued to swing, causing the unborn egg to roll straight into the potion unnoticed.

The raven soon went from aimlessly flying, to attacking the angry witch. It managed to get a good couple of scratches on her skin and pull out a good amount of hair, a few of which joined the egg inside of the filled cauldron, before Baba Yaga hit it hard enough that it barreled out the window, where the Black Horseman was quick to stab it through with their sword.

The potion popped loudly, informing Baba Yaga that it was done. The potion was meant to be an age reversal potion for her hut, who was getting old and couldn't run as fast as before. But inside the cauldron was a half black, half white baby with horns and a furry tail. One of his eyes was green while the other was red, like the colors of Christmas.

Over the years Baba Yaga raised the baby. Although she wasn't motherly in the slightest and was known for being mean, the baby was very happy in his home. Baba Yaga's guards even took their own liking to the baby, procuring a crown for him that wouldn't fit him until he was much older.

The day the baby was finally given a name was the day Baba Yaga was forced to open the blinds and see a bright rainbow. Saying the name of it in disgust, the baby was quick to repeat the word. However he was too small and young to say it correctly, so it came out as "Ranboo". He said it so many times, that Baba Yaga made it his name.

As Ranboo grew he became quite tall, and he was often isolated by other kids because of his parentage and looks. His only friends were Baba Yaga's guards, and some bees that would always come to the flower field where Ranboo would read. The bees were very gentle, and would always let Ranboo pet him. They were some of the only creatures that were not afraid of him.

One day, when Ranboo was reading in the flower field, the bees came. This time however, a person was with them. It was a boy who was about Ranboo's age, though it was hard to tell since he was quite short. He wore a black and yellow striped shirt with a pair of overalls. He had large bee wings and antennae, and the boy quickly realized that Ranboo hadn't noticed him.

"Hey sexy~" Two words, and suddenly Ranboo had a friend. I'm sure you all know how the story goes from here, though it doesn't yet have a happy ending. Perhaps it will soon, but who knows? Certainly not I!

Hey narrator, what's with the weird random story? It doesn't serve the plot. I forgot you were here and could hear me. It's a bonus chapter Jon, it's not really supposed to serve the plot too much. It just gives backstory to something that couldn't be fitted in normally. Whatever, do you want some tea? No, Jon. I can't even drink tea, I have no physical body. You can't drink tea? How sad! Oh, just leave me alone! 

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