Lunch Time [3]

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(Okay so I want to clear something up. Most of the time this story will be from Pat's POV {still in third person though} though it'll sometimes be from Jakey's. If it's from Jakey's POV it will have a [2] infront if it, if it's Pat's POV it will have a [1] infront of it, and if I switch between the two there will be a [3] and the difference will be marked by [*] between the two POVS. If I ever have a different character be the POV, their will be a [4 ] at the end of the chapter title]

Pat was happy that it was finally lunch, meaning there was only two more classes that day. Luckily for Pat only his first two classes were really focused on evil and villainy since he wasn't a big villain with magic or anything like that. He grabbed his lunch bag with the lunch his mom had packed him. Despite being the previous Evil Stepmother, his mother was sweet to Pat and a pretty good cook. At little known fact was that he wasn't directly related to the evil stepsisters or their children, though they were close family friends, so he was actually an only child.

Pat finally saw his friends at a table, Jon waving him over. He went and sat down quickly, noticing Liberty and Rosette sitting at the table next to them with their friends Catra Cheshire, daughter of the Cheshire Cat, and Destiny Lindworm, daughter of the Lindworm Prince. He was quick to greet them, turning to his friends after they greeted him back.

Pat opened his lunch box to see a chicken wrap, a container with blueberries and pineapple slices, and a box with of 5 jelly sandwiches dipped in chocolate and sprinkles. This was almost always what he was lunch was, the only thing different being the types of fruits. His mom made the sandwiches for him and his friends, so Pat was quick to to pass them out. 

Him and his friends were talking and laughing, as well as eating their lunches, when they heard everyone in the castleteria started oohing and ahhing. Pat turned to see Ritchie walking in with Jakey and their friend groups. Pat groaned and turned back around to his friends, trying to ignore the noise as he rested his head on the table. 

"Hi, is it alright if I sit here?" Pat heard Jakey say, and the pink haired male wrapped his hands around his head. Jakey had tried to sit with Pat and the stepsisters before and tried to talk to them, but none of them really liked Jakey. Rosette and Liberty shared Pat's opinion on their destinies and on the Storybook of Legends, and the three of them didn't like people who wanted everyone to sign all that much.

"Well I suppose you could. Pat heard Mitch say, and Pat began mentally cursing his blue haired friend. Mitch knew Pat didn't like Jakey that much, and Mitch wasn't a big fan of him either along with everyone else at the table.

"But you'd have to strike a deal with me. In exchange for a seat at the table, how about you give me... the deed to your house?" Mitch finished, and Pat realized what the other was doing. Mitch didn't actually want Jakey's house, since it was a giant castle and Mitch hated having a ton of space because he had no need for it, and it was very unlikely Jakey would give it to him just so he could sit at the table. Plus no one in their right mind would make a deal with next Rumplestilskin. 

"Oh uh, I'm okay. I'll just go sit somewhere else." Jakey responded quickly. Pat uncovered his face and slowly sat up, looking at Mitch with a greatful expression. They group didn't dwell on what happened for long, quickly going back to their conversation.


"Hey, at least you tried. It's pretty noble of you to try and make friends with your future evil stepfamily." Bri said when Jakey came back to the table, looking a little defeated. Jakey sighed and nodded, taking a bite of the peas on his plate.

Jakey glanced over at Ritchie's table. With his future husband was Brandon Pea, son of the Princess and the Pea, Kit Oz, daughter of the Wizard of Oz, and Adora Fa, daughter of Mulan. Ritchie's friends were pretty nice, but Jakey didn't know them that well. He somewhat avoided Adora even since she often hung out with Catra who wasn't all that fond of Jakey.

"Do you actually think Mitch would have let you sit there if you gave him the deed to your house? I mean you shouldn't give it to him, obviously, but still." Kayla said, drinking from a coconut with a straw. Wait, that coconut wasn't there a second ago. Where did it come from?

"Maybe. Stiltskins don't usually go back on their deals, but Jakey probably wouldn't have managed to get the deed back since Stiltskins hate others going back on their half of the deal." Yuki replied, the rest of the table nodding there heads in agreement. 

Jakey gave a small sigh. In the end it wouldn't matter if he made friends with Pat, Liberty, and Rosette. Their destinies was set in stone and intertwined. No matter what, Jakey would be a king and they would be his evil stepfamily. That was what the headmaster always said to him, wasn't it?

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