Chapter 20 - The Actual End

Start from the beginning

"Be careful with your sister, Àlvar," I called, as Àlvar played with Sára. The boy looked up and smiled, waving at us from the side of the small pond. We had had it cleaned ages ago and the kids loved to go swimming in it in the summer.

"They are bigger now. I remember when both were small," Barr said and smiled.

We were sitting in the sun, enjoying the summer. Huck had started a new furniture line where long chairs you'd lounge in were the top seller. Mostly for me. And the rest of the stronghold. Having opened up the big terrace in the front for the public, many now using it to spend quality time with their loved ones. A small café had opened up too, so you could buy coffee and cakes.

"I know. They grow up too fast," Islo chimed in. He looked great in his trunks. He had abandoned the top part and was only wearing the bottom part. I did like him in the blue-striped top, but even better when he graced everyone with the sight of his naked upper body.

I on the other hand, kept the top part on. No one needed to see my naked body.

Barr was like Islo, only in his trunks and Huck was like me, keeping the top part on. It was obvious there were two kinds of men. The ones who kept the top part, and the ones who didn't.

"Àlvar is getting smart too. I keep having to advance him in maths," Huck said without opening his eyes. He was lounging in his own invention, clearly enjoying the heat. Tattoos spread across his arms and some peaked up from the collar on the bathing costume, snaking their way around his throat. Undeniably Aatskina.

"I don't know where he gets that from," I said. "Maths was never my thing."

"Mine neither," Islo said.

"He wants to be like his uncle." Barr sat up and waved at the kids, smiling. Then he rose to his feet and looked back at us. "Who can blame him? Huqqa is an amazing creator." He didn't wait for an answer but went down and joined the kids.

Huck had his eyes open now and his cheeks looked darker. And it was probably not just because of the sun.

"You gotta admit, he has a way of saying things." Islo chuckled.

"He does it to embarrass me, I'm sure," Huck muttered.

"I think he does it to woo you. He knows how much you like hearing it." I smirked at the inventor and he rolled his eyes.

"When is Al and Dy coming back anyways?"

I shrugged. "Don't know. They wanted Mikaal to see Kabir and you know how much they love travelling. At some point I think we gotta chain them to this place to keep them here."

"Alvina is working as an ambassador in Kabir too, don't forget. It's not all pleasure for her. She and the empress have gotten quite close," my husband chimed in.

"Yeah, I know. I'd just like to see my sister more." I sighed a little and let my gaze wander around the gardens before settling it on the kids and Barr again. Barr had gone into the water and was lifting Sára over his head bouncing her a little before tossing her in the water. She screamed with delight and swam back to him. He was so great with them both. Àlvar begged to be tossed too, but instead of using his hands, Barr lifted both of them with his mind. They laughed loudly but were cut off when they hit the water.

"Be careful!" I yelled out, and jumped out of my chair, hurrying down to the pond.

"It's fun, dad!" Àlvar laughed, pushing his hair out of his face. "Come play!"

I rolled my eyes a little and sat down on the edge, submerging my legs in the water. "You have to be careful, Àlvar."

"But it's fun!" He pushed himself further away, his legs kicking hard.

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