Collateral Damage

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Nathan Thorn
October 17, 1944
Acchen, Germany

We're in Acchen now. Krauts are fightin' like hell for it cause its the first time one of their cities have been invaded by the Allies. It certainly won't be the last. Not if I have anything to say about it.

My thoughts tend to linger on Vivian. It's been almost a month and a half since the liberation of Paris. A month and a half since I've seen her. I write her almost every chance I get, receiving tons of letters back and SOE supplies only ment to be used by the SOE.

God, I miss her.

We all thought that with the liberation of Paris we'd be one step closer to home. Our trouble are just begining.

The fighting in the city is hard. Davis has us goin' block by block, house by house. "Knock 'em all down" he calls it.

And Turner and Pierson ain't seen eye to eye since Paris.

Turner: If I tell you to do it, it is the goddamn mission!

Turner practically screams at Pierson. Pierson backs off like a hurt puppy but quicky grows angry when he catches my stare on their conversation.

Pierson: Hey, pick up the pace! We gotta hit CP by nightfall!

I turn away from him to see Aiello tossing one of Daniels letters fr Hazel to him.

Aiello: Hey, found this lyin' around. It's from your girl.

Daniels: Thought I told you not to go through me things.

Aiello: What kind of chump doesn't open up a sugar report?

I glance at the letter, reading the address and names.

Nathan: The one who thinks it's a Dear John letter. Look at the address, she wrote, "Daniels" not, "Red".

Stiles: Only one reason to be so formal. I hate to say. I think she's cutting you loose.

I glare a bit at him. Who the hell would say that?

Stiles: Or hey, maybe it's like Schrodinger's letter. You know? You don't open it, she's still your girl.

He smiles, probably proud of himself for his joke. I smack his helmet hard.

Nathan: Really? Schrodinger's letter? Are you ki-

Turner: Quite screwing around!

I quickly turn to see a very pissed off Turner.

Turner: We hit the State Theater at 0730 tomorrow.

And with that, he walks away. Zussman let's out a quiet whistle.

Zussman: Everybody's got their limits. Everybody.

I pat Daniels shoulder reassuringly.

I walk away with the others, leaving Daniels to contemplate his letter.

Nathan Thorn
October 18, 1944
Acchen, Germany

I'm breathing hard as I run with the rest of the squad, trying to find cover. These fucking Krauts just don't give up.

I trip and fall right before getting to the sandbags.

Zussman: Nathan! I got you!

He grabs my hand and pulls me over the bags.

Nathan: Fuck! We keep crushin' 'em, they keep coming back!

Daniels: We can't hold the plaza much longer!

Pierson: Artillery's on it's way, they're saying ten minutes, tops.

Stiles: Might as well be ten hours! Lieutenant Turner, we need tank support now!

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