Yuju couldn't help but to narrow her eyes at him.

Though obviously dirty and having a lack of clothing, he didn't look like he had been in the streets for that long. He wouldn't have lost to a rat if that weren't the caseㅡ either that or he was just terrible.

Though that wasn't what really caught her attention and off-guard. It was the fact that she could feel that familiar but 'abnormal energy' within himㅡ not strong but still there nonetheless.

Just that information already made Yuju snarl and despise him.

Touya, after having finally calmed down from his mini cussing session, let out a sighㅡ tried to get rid of the last drop of frustration within him before slumping his shoulders and relaxed.

He hasn't eaten in two days nowㅡ understandably starving with the only things he got by with were unwanted vegetables in burgers and unfinished drinks. He did steal from a store four cities away before he even arrived here in Deikaㅡ the city that he decided to settle inㅡ a pack of ramen or two, they weren't cooked but they were still food and consumable so he didn't complain.

Standing up and turning around to leave the dirty and smelly alleyway, Touya flinched and staggered a couple steps back when his eyes immediately landed on the strangely hostile frail-looking girl by the entrance, her grip on her cup crumpling it as the warm milk poured out and into her now soaked mittens before dripping down to the snowy path.

She looked like she wanted to kill him in that moment, and he didn't know why. He doesn't even know the girl.

He nervously scratched his head, the dirty tuffs of his white hair ruffling from the motionㅡ oily on the roots and matted along certain strands and tips.

With her physique, he wasn't really scared about that seeing as she looked more malnourished than him. The lower parts of her legs and ankles were the only things he could make out on her figure seeing as the rest of her was covered under the white padded coat she wore.

She lacked muscles and fatㅡ that part was obvious, and it was like her skin was the only thing that kept her bones from being visible. Her skin in question was unnaturally paleㅡ the sickly kind. Her eyes were sunken with heavy bags, dull with no shine and not at all complimenting what was supposed to be sharp and feline-like.

But despite all that, Touya couldn't help but to be intimidated by her predatory gazeㅡ added, there was also a heavy and dangerous aura around her that made his back and shoulders heavy as if something was crawling up on him. That new weight that now rested by his waist and shoulders caused the girl's gaze on him to worsen.

"So you're even keeping one as a pet." Yuju snarled the moment she took off her glasses and finally saw the thing around the boy's body, her voice echoing in the alleyway in such a spine-chilling way that even the shadows that hid certain things away from sight shivered.

The atmosphere between the two children had become thick and heavy.

Touya furrowed his brows, not liking how a frail young child was talking to him in such a disrespectful tone. "Eh? What's your problem?"

The creature wrapped around his body trembled. It's axolotl-like head dipped down as if showing respect to a royal, head ferns tucked back and the rest of it's body tightening it's hold around the boy's, almost as if telling him to shut up and be the respectful one.

Touya could see the curse bright as dayㅡ and he always had for as long as he could remember. The creature used to stick to Enji, until he got his quirk at 3 and it moved to sticking to him instead. It didn't do any physical harm, suprisingly, but it would whisper in his ears, planting greedy and intrusive thought in his mindㅡ making him go crazy and have a breakdown.

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