Chapter Thirty-Nine: Advice

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My dad was wide awake and shouting at the tv screen when we walked into his room. There was a football game on that he had to persuade the nurses into letting him watch. They were hesitant because my mom told them that watching football rose his blood pressure, but my dad's pretty convincing, so he got what he wanted. "Hey dad," I grinned as we all piled in.

He picked up the remote and turned the volume down so we all could hear each other talk. "Hey Cameron," he smiled. Then he turned his attention to Pat and Rebecca. "Pat I hope you've been staying out of trouble," he told him.

Pat grinned sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head. "Nice to see you too," he replied. Then he decided to make himself more comfortable by flopping down on one of the visitor's chairs. Rebecca had moved to sit down in the same seat first, but he had beat her to it.

"Still working on being a gentlemen Pat?" He asked him with a chuckle. In response Pat just shook his head no, and snuggled down in the seat like he was going to pass out. "And you guys brought Rebecca with you," he realized.

Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she gave a small wave. "Yeah, it was only supposed to be me and Cameron, but then this angel here fell from the sky to join us," she joked. Both I and my dad got a laugh out of it, but Pat was slow to catch on, and just rose a brow in confusion.

"Oh wait were you talking about me?" He asked her, now sitting upright in the chair instead of slouched down like he had been previously. Nobody answered his question, instead we just took the time to laugh at him even more.

"Well it's nice to see you again Rebecca. I'm sorry you had to come visit under such stressful conditions. These two boys are quite the handful," My dad told her happily. "What are you all up to today?" He asked curiously.

I walked over to the other side of the room where the widow was, and leaned against the wall. "Rebecca and I were on a pre-date," I replied simply.

He rose his eye brows in surprise. "Whoa when did you two become official?" He asked. I glanced over at Rebecca to see if she was okay with us being known as 'official', but she had bit down on her bottom lip nervously like she was debating about it.

"They didn't ever become official. Not yet anyway," Pat chimed in for us. "I came along as a way to help them out some. We all know I'm fantastic when it comes to romance," he humored himself. I gave him a doubtful look just like my dad, making Rebecca laugh this time.

"What he means to say dad is that we're just moving slow," I restated. Insanely, painfully, excruciatingly slow.

"Well I've never known that to be a bad thing. I think all of you teenagers should take relationships slow." He replied as he nodded his head in approval. Then he turned his attention back to Pat. "Isn't that right Patrick?" He asked him.

Pat had pretty much ignored us and was more into the football game playing on the tv, so my dad shut it off. "Hey!" He whined.

My dad just shook his head at him, and I laughed. "You boys looking forward to football camp?" He asked next. Memories from last year came into my mind, and I wished they hadn't. The camp itself was perfectly horrible as always. We'd practice for hours and hours with just five minute breaks every now and then. We just happened to really like making bets during the camp though, and would spend the night time sneaking over to the girl's cheer-leading camp to keep from losing a bet. Sounds like guy heaven when anyone else hears about it, but for me it was nothing.

''Heck yeah, it's the only thing more great about summer than chicks at the beach." Pat delightfully answered. My dad rose a brow at his response, but decided to just ignore it.

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