Chapter Thirty-Seven: Hangin' with Man-whore Number 2

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I got a text from Cameron at about twelve o'clock, and he told me that I had twenty minutes to get ready before he was coming to get me. Most of the night I either stayed up thinking about what we were going to do, and how this whole thing was going to play out. While the other part of the night I found Cameron in almost every single dream I had. 

They were all cheery and romantic, and made me want to punch him in the face the first moment I laid eyes on him today. Knowing I only had a short amount of time before he dragged me out of the house, I raided my closet for something to wear. Nothing that would take too much work, or show that I put allot of effort into the outfit. I also had to take in the fact that he'd probably make me try things on in the different stores.

Trying on clothes is not something I usually enjoy because it takes forever, but I was sure that Cameron would definitely make the experience unforgettable. Oh gosh, I really hope he doesn't try to make a move on me or anything while we're at the mall. That'd be too extreme for me, and would end badly for him. By that I mean he'd be balled up on the floor holding his crotch. 

By the time I had only fifteen minutes left, I found a pair of light blue jean shorts, and a dark red, rusty orange, and blue plaid button up shirt with a collar. When it came down the the shoes, I decided to spunk up the outfit some with a pair of black boots that went halfway up my shin. They weren't made out of leather, they were made out of a soft fabric of some sort that was fun to touch.

Next I ran into the bathroom, switching on the light that lit up the room faster than I could blink. Going overboard was not an option, Cameron doesn't deserve such a gift. So instead I just threw on some lip gloss, mascara that made my eye lashes look fuller, just a bit of black eye liner, and just enough powder to get rid of the shine on my forehead. Unfortunately I still wasn't finished with my appearance. I grabbed the already hot hair curler, and added long, bouncy curls to my brown hair. Now satisfied, I gave myself a quick look over in the mirror. The shorts made my legs look about two inches longer than they really were, and I had already gotten a nice tan from being outdoors so much.

My body scan ended at the sound of a single doorbell ring. I glanced over at the clock in my bathroom and frowned when only fifteen minutes had passed instead of twenty. The douche bag was five minutes early. Slightly irritated, I quickly made my way down the carpeted stairs, and to the front door. Before I opened it though, I took a deep breath, and mentally told myself to calm down. "There's nothing to be excited about, it's just a man-whore," I chuckled. I unlocked the door and pulled it open, only to come face to face with an insanely seductive looking Cameron.

He had on a plain white t-shirt that fit tightly around his arms, showing off his muscles, but only a tad bit. His gorgeous muscular arms were covered by a black leather jacket, that made the blue in his eyes sharp, and dangerous instead of light and fun. His chocolate brown hair was a nice mess on the top of his head, spiked up in the front as if someone had taken their hands and ran them through it. His pants were black as well, but weren't ugly skinny jeans or covered in chains. They were just typical black pair of jeans.

By the time I finished devouring his appearance, he had a brow arched. "You ready to go or do you want me to stand here longer so you can rape me with your eyes?" He asked.

"I'm uh...Just a minute." I replied. He was about to say something, but I slammed the door shut in his face. Why the hell does he look so damn good!? I seriously feel like if he kissed me, I'd make him screw me. That's not healthy, I've got a serious problem. Maybe I'll just share a room with his dad in the hospital so we can talk about his insanely hot, but annoying son.

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