Chapter Fifteen: What's Going On?!

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After Rachel ditched me for whatever reason, I found Cody and apologized for being so rude about what he had done for me. I also explained to him what Tristan had said about me being weak and pathetic. He overreacted about it and I had to cool his nerves, but now things are good again. Another song just finished, and he and I had been dancing together. "I'm going to go get something to drink." I shouted to him so he could hear me over the music. It was hard to see if it was even him, the lights were off and the disco ball wasn't much help. Patrick had moved a majority of the party downstairs to the basement so some neighbors could get some sleep for a while.

"Alright, if you don't come back though I'm going to come looking for you." He warned me with a joking tone.

I playfully rolled my eyes, and made my way back upstairs. Most of the guys who weren't lucky enough to have dates, were in the living room watching a football game. Although I wanted to join them, I resisted and went straight to the kitchen. The sodas had been in a blue cooler, but it was empty. Lucky for me, Patrick was just in the hall that led to the laundry room, flirting with a girl I haven't ever met before.

"Hey Patrick, where can I get a soda?" I asked him.

He turned to me and our eyes met for a brief moment before he gave me a quick look over, then he turned back to the girl. "Do you hear something?" He asked her. He can't be serious? He has no reason to be mad at me, I didn't do anything to him.

"No,'' she giggled. He smiled, happy that she chose his side, and then he kissed her. I crossed my arms and waited impatiently as they ate each others faces off. It wasn't until things seemed to be getting heated up as his hands made their way up her shirt, and hers down his pants.

"Patrick!" I shouted at him. He didn't pay me any mind, instead he lifted up the girl and they continued making out. Not thinking clearly, I pried her off of him, and replaced her by kissing him myself. Maybe this will get his attention.

I could tell he was surprised by my new found boldness, but I didn't stop kissing him. He gave in and started kissing me back. His lips were soft, and he smelt delicious. I was aware he was built, but I never imagined how his muscles could feel around me. His strong arms wrapped around me, holding me against his abs, driving me crazy. "Stop," I managed to choke out when we broke off for air. At least that kiss didn't mean anything, I didn't get butterflies while it happened. I'm so proud of myself.

"Alright, you got my attention. What do you want?" He asked as he watched his previous make-out girl strut off down the hall back to the party.

"I just wanted to know where I could get a soda," I sighed. I could have had it by now, but someone wanted to act like a five year old.

"Their down in the basement in the storage room. There's a fridge down there full of them. You could just get one in a foam cup at the bar," he suggested as he ran his hand through his hair.

"No thank you, that's where all the drunk teenagers are." The last thing I want to do is fight off a bunch of drunk idiots. Do their parents not care that their kids are intoxicated or what?

I looked at Patrick again, and he just stood there all hard and irritated looking. If I knew I bugged him this much I'd be around him more often. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked him.

"No, I just expected a thank you for earlier is all," he shrugged. I gave him a blank stare. He can't be serious. I mean obviously he's serious but...Seriously?! After everything he put me through, he wants a thank you from me?

"Even though that's horribly stupid, thank you anyway." I muttered.

"That wasn't so hard now was it?" He smiled as he patted the top of my head. One, I have no idea where his hands have been. Two, I am not a little kid. I oughta break his wrist, but then I'd have to apologize to him later on. So without saying another word, I made my way back downstairs. Cody had moved from where I left him, and I had no idea where he was, but I didn't care. Speaking of a name starting with a C, where is Cameron? He couldn't have ditched the party just because I didn't appreciate what he did for me.

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