Chapter Nineteen: New Neighbor

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After I slept Saturday away, I woke up bright and early on Sunday. My parents had come home and left a note on the counter that said they had gone back to work. Usually I would be furious about this kind of news, but today I didn't really mind their absence. I still felt a little sick from whatever Tristan spiked my drink with.

I went back up to my room, and pulled out some short shorts and a tank top for me to go jogging around the neighborhood in. My iPod was had a full green battery, and so did I. Jogging wasn't something I cared to do too much, but whenever I woke up with little energy, it felt like the right thing to do. Even though summer break was near, the morning air was still cold. The light breeze didn't help knock the chill away either. When an upbeat song began to blast into my ears, I picked up my pace.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else." I sang along. One Direction, my newest favorite band. This song makes me want to go to the beach. Maybe I'll jog there and meet up with Rachel after my run around the neighborhood. All was wonderful, I looked down to change the volume of the song, and ended up ramming into someone when I turned a corner. In an instant I had crashed onto the ground beside whoever I hit.

"Ow." I moaned as the pain slowly simmered down. When I opened my eyes, I found Cameron on top of me, looking down at me with his big beautiful eyes of doom. "You've got to be kidding me," I groaned.

"Hello to you too," he sighed as he got back onto his feet. He offered me his hand, but I ignored the gesture and got up myself. Cody had told me before to limit the amount of times I let the guy touch me.

"How exactly are you here, in my neighborhood, half naked?" I asked as I noticed he was shirtless and sweaty from jogging. He doesn't live close enough to where he could just run here.

"Well, I just happen to live here now," he shrugged.

My eye twitched in irritation, but I kept my cool. "What do you mean you live here now? Where exactly is here?" I asked him more specifically.

He sighed, "I live behind you. That's why I acted the way I did when I dropped you off yesterday."

He lives behind me?...Fuck! How on earth could this have happened? I mean when the old couple moved out I prayed every night that a hottie would move in behind us, but not this one! "Great, this is going to make summer break fantastic," I said through gritted teeth. He chuckled and then reached for my iPod, which had fallen on the ground when I had collided with it. Instead of handing it over, he put the ear buds in his ears and started walking off. "Hey." I called after him. Of course he didn't hear me, so I ran and caught up to him. Once I was beside him and matched his pace, I yanked a bud out of his ear.

"What do you think you're doing with that? Pretty sure it's mine," I informed him.

"I knew it wasn't mine, I don't listen to One Direction." He shrugged. "But this song isn't so bad." If he even thinks about calling their band gay, I'm going to kick his ass. One Direction is amazing, and I am going to marry Harry if it's the last thing I do. Unless he isn't available of course, then I'd go for Louis or Zayn. "Which song?" I asked him.

Again he shrugged, "How am I supposed to know?"

I rolled my eyes and took the ear bud I had snatched away from him, and put it in my own ear. It was hard to keep it in thought since he was taller than me, and walked faster. After I managed to keep up, I listened and heard their song "I Want" playing. Of course Cameron would like this song.

"I'd break up with any girl who constantly wanted stuff," he commented.

"Well you aren't apart of the band, so I don't really care. And I'm sure if she wanted nothing but in your pants, you'd be quite satisfied," I huffed.

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