Chapter Forty: On the Road

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"Will you go out with me?" He asked after he kissed me. The question replayed in my mind a few times before I came back to my senses realizing that I had to respond to him. Cameron Walker, the man-whore, liar, player, jerk just asked me if I wanted to go out with him. Of course I feel like screaming 'yes' and acting like this is the best thing in the world, but I more of me is crying for me to say 'no'. There's just something off about him asking me. There's something wrong with the whole situation in general. I wish I knew what was making me think this, but I don't.

Everyone leaving for the trip has to show up at Cameron's house by eight o'clock, otherwise they're being left behind. I have been laying in my bed wide awake since six, thinking about what happened last night. Things are going to be weird this morning with everyone, especially with Cameron, and nobody else will have a clue since he and I are the only ones that know. Patrick decided he was going to have Clara ride with Dylan, Cody, and Jack since she already knows them so well. Cameron had talked to him through text last night about it. I told them both that I was in charge of car arrangements, but Patrick picked what I would have anyway.

Just as I was letting out an annoyed groan because I didn't want to get out of bed, the door to my room opened and Rachel popped her head in. "What on earth are you still doing in the bed?" She asked as she came into the room and tossed my covers off of me.

"Because I don't want to deal with the Clara chick I told you about," I muttered quickly before I yanked the covers back over my now freezing body.

She sighed as she crossed her arms, and then flopped down on the bed beside me. "Oh don't be such a cry baby. This can't be the same Becca who was walking down the halls kicking guys in the balls with no fear." She said out loud to herself.

"Yeah, but they were stupid guys. This is a girl that I'm most likely going to have to compete with...maybe." I replied unsure. She reacted with the exact kind of suspicion I expected her to, giving me a confused look.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

I thought for a moment about whether or not I should tell her about last night, and my response. It wouldn't make sense to just keep it to myself because everyone was bound to find out sooner or later. "Last night Cameron asked me out," I replied slowly so she would hear it clear enough the first time and I wouldn't have to repeat myself.

Her eyes widened, along with her mouth dropping open, and then before I knew it she had dragged me from my bed and onto my feet. "Oh my gosh that's so exciting!" She squealed. "You're the first girl he's asked out in about a year now. How could you say it like it wasn't big news!?" She asked incredulously. "Wait...Why aren't you as excited about this as I am?" She frowned as our jumping up and down session came to an end.

"Well I did just wake up." I murmured tiredly. "Believe me I'm excited, I'm just not fully expressing it yet."

"What did you say to him?" She asked quicker than I could blink an eye. She was full of curiosity and I could see her just dying to know every last detail of how he asked me and what we were doing.

"I said yes of course," I shrugged. A smile grew wide on her lips and she pulled me into a hug that squeezed the life out of me.

"That's great," she grinned. "So you two are finally official. That means that you won't have to worry as much about Clara. I mean if she still tries to hit on your man and stuff, then you have every right to punch her in the face and break her nose. Totally normal reaction from someone dating another person." She explained.

"I never thought about that," I realized. "But I also have this strange feeling about saying yes. I'm glad I did and all, but whenever I try to think about all the good that can come from me dating him, I feel like something really bad may have an even stronger effect."

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