Cornelia started to sob a little and I softly said, "It's okay, Sis. Tell me what happened." and I started stroking her hair lovingly. 

We moved over and sat down on the bed and I sat next to Cornelia and clutched her hand tightly, giving her my full attention.

Cornelia wiped her face with the back of her other hand as she calmed herself down enough to try and explain. 

She inched closer to me until we were sitting shoulder to shoulder.

Cornelia took some deep breaths and shakily said, "As you know, I've been dating Emma for a while now.".

I nodded and she shakily said, "I... I went to Emma's place and was staying the night there. And for the most part, everything was going fine and good. But then when we woke up this morning, Emma started talking about us maybe visiting her parents.".

My eyes widened and I said, "Oh... the parents, huh?".

Cornelia said, "Y-Yeah! They're good people, but they just don't seem to trust me given my past!".

Cornelia clutched onto my hand a little tighter, which was starting to get a little uncomfortable for me. 

I forgot how strong my sister was until just now.

Cornelia shakily said, "I tried to explain this to Emma, and she understood. But she said that she doesn't want to choose between her family and me and that I should try and get along with them. But... But then I said something stupid.".

I giggled and Cornelia looked at me.

I continued giggling and said, "It's hard to imagine you saying something stupid, Cornelia.".

She lightly hit my arm and I said, "Go on, I'm listening.".

Cornelia shakily said, "Brace yourself, it's pretty bad.".

I sighed stopping my giggling and said, "I'm ready.".

Cornelia said, "I told Emma I was dating her and not her parents, and that I thought I was her family now, so she should choose me over them." and she buried her face in her palms.

A wave of awkward silence washed over the room.

I wonder what Elizabeth's take on this is, and what she would say or do.

This was pretty bad.

I took a deep breath and looked at my big sister, flabbergasted, the first time I'm ever seeing her this way.

I let out a heavy sigh and shook my head.

I smiled and said, "Cornelia, you're a hot mess.".

I stood up and stood in front of her.

I said, "Don't worry, I'm going to help you.".

Cornelia looked up at me and said, "Thanks, Euphy, but what are you gonna do? What should I do? I mean, I can't remember the last time I argued with Emma. I feel so stupid...".

I snickered and said, "Well, yeah! I mean you've never known love outside of war! Experiencing and doing it all for the first time can be hard!".

Cornelia nodded and said, "Thanks, sis.".

I said, "You're one of the strongest people I know, Cornelia, trust me when I say you're gonna be fine. You just need to apologize, and don't worry, I'll help you do it if you need me to!".

Cornelia said, "You're so... thoughtful, Euphy! And I admire that about you, but this is something I have to do on my own. I guess all I needed was for someone to tell me what I need to do.".

I nodded and said, "I'm happy to help." and she stood up pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

Cornelia said, "You're so sweet too! I have the best little sister in the world!" and she kissed my forehead softly and said, "I love you, Euphy!".

I smiled and said, "I love you too, Cornelia! But please stop hugging and smothering me! I'm getting all embarrassed...".

I began feeling all dizzy and Cornelia turned us around and sat me down on the bed.

Cornelia asked, "What's wrong, Eupy? Don't like your big sister smothering you anymore? Oh I miss the days we spent in the gardens playing.".

I said, "I-I like being smothered every once and a while... but um... you just surprised me, okay? Anyways! You know what you gotta do so go apologize to Emma!".

Cornelia smiled and her smile beamed down at me and she said, "Thanks to you, I think I will!".

She turned and began walking over to the door and she stopped and turned to me.

Cornelia asked, "Oh, and Euphy?".

I said, "Yeah?".

Cornelia smiled and said, "I love you.".

I smiled back at her and said, "I love you too. You tell me this like, every other day!".

Cornelia said, "No, seriously!".

Cornelia sat down on the bed now, her eyes locked with mine and she said, "I feel like I don't tell you this enough. Emma and I are in love, and I'm very happy with her. But you and I are sisters, Euphemia.". 

She delicately grasped my hand and let out a sigh before saying, "You're always there for me when I need you! And I wanna be there for you, too.".

I said, "Cornelia... I-I love you too! And thanks... for wanting to keep me in your life despite my... new life, I like being a part of yours still.".

Cornelia said, "I couldn't imagine my life without you, Euphy.".

Cornelia gracefully got up from the bed and smoothed out the ruffles from her clothes before heading over to the door.

Cornelia said, "I'm heading back over to Emma's place! I probably won't be back until nighttime.".

She placed a hand on the doorknob and looked back at me with a smile.

I smiled back and she looked at the closet and said, "Oh, and Elizabeth?".

My heart dropped at the sound of her name. 

I looked over as Elizabeth carefully cracked open the closet door to peep out at Cornelia, replying with a quiet, "Yes?".

Cornelia said, "Make sure you keep Euphemia company, okay? I dunno what she would do with all of that free time by herself. Just promise me one thing though... try not to be so rough with her! I know you two from the whispering were gonna get intimate, but those marks you gave her are looking pretty red and nasty now!".

Elizabeth slowly closed the closet door saying, "Yes, Cornelia, understood!!".

Cornelia said, "Perfect! And Euphy, please take good care of Elizabeth. You two have been through enough.".

I nodded and she left our room and our home.

I turned to the closet and said, "You can come out now.".

Elizabeth came out of the closet and sat down beside me on the bed.

We both sighed before we got up and got ready to face the day.

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