Finally, after what seems like days, Kelley's plane touches down, and she makes her way out of Ottawa International and to the parking lot where her car is currently parked. After paying her parking and cleaning the snow off, she makes the drive back to the apartment.  

Pulling into the parking spot designated for her use while there, Kelley notices that Kasey's car isn't in its spot and assumes that she went to class. She decides to head upstairs, grab a shower, change and then wait for Kasey to get home from her classes. 

Unlocking the apartment door, Kelley is met by a pair of familiar-looking boots sitting at the door and steps inside, taking her own off as well as her jacket and hanging it up. 

"Kase? Kasey, are you home?" 

With no answer, she makes her way towards the bedroom and can't help but smile when she finds her girlfriend sound asleep under the covers. Slipping off her top layer of clothes, Kelley climbs into the bed with her and pulls her in close before kissing the back of her shoulder.  

Kasey lets out a slight moan with the contact before shifting positions and then opening her eyes. 


"Yeah, beautiful, it's me."

"When did you get back?" 

"Not that long ago. It seems as though you have some explaining to do Wild Thing."  

"I know. Can we get something to eat while we talk? My stomach is growling. What time is it?" 

"Just after 1:00." 

"Seriously? Wow, I never sleep that long." 

Kelley touches her face and looks at her softly, "Are you okay?" 

Kasey smiles and nods, "I better than okay, now that you're back." 

They share a brief kiss before both get up, and while Kasey heads to the bathroom, Kelley gets changed into some comfies before making her way out to the kitchen to sort out some lunch for the two of them. 

Once they finish eating and having something to drink, they move to the couch, and Kelley looks at Kasey's arm. 

"Are you planning on telling me what happened, or do I have to wait to get the news from social media again?" 

Kasey touches her arm where the stitches are and nods, "I'm sorry for not telling you what happened when it happened, but, as you can see, I'm going to fine. I've got some stitches in my arm and had to get a tetanus shot, but I should be good to go in a week or two. I can still train; just it's best if I avoid diving and some lifting for now." 

"Kase, I'm not even thinking about training right now. I want to know what happened and that you're going to be okay. Can you even imagine how I felt seeing headlines like a school shooting and your name online? I didn't know if you were hurt or how badly you were hurt and what's worse is that you roped Jen into helping you evade me and my questions." 

Kasey wipes away at the tears rolling down her face as she looks down at her legs, unable to make eye contact with Kelley. She feels Kelley's hand take her and looks over to see the defender's hazel eyes now flooded with tears of her own. 

"I'm really sorry about how I handled things, Kel, and I hope you can forgive me. I just really didn't want to tell you that I almost got shot over the phone. I knew that you'd freak out and want to hop the first flight back, and as you can see, I'm fine, or I will be fine." 

Kelley's eyes go wide, "YOU ALMOST GOT SHOT?" 

"It was a BB gun, Kel; not even a real gun."

"No difference in my eyes, Wild; still a gun. How the hell did a gun get into the school?" 

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