More Dreamnoblade cuz yeah

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Techno sat in the dungeon. Of course, on the one mission that mattered, he was caught. He was supposed to kill the prince- some guys named Dream. Dream. What kind of name was that? Who names their child 'Dream'? 

Well, many could say the same about Techno's name, but that was besides the point. He wasn't the one who had to die for some reason. The sound of boots on stone, made Techno's head shot up. A dark green cloak over a lighter green tunic, gray pants, and large brown boots. 

"Hello." Techno's eyes glanced up to the man's eyes. Instead of a face, a white mask with a smile painted on it looked down at him. 

"Hi." said Techno, his confidence not yet completely diminished. 

"Well, uh, what're you in for? Nobody will tell me. I-I'm Prince Dream, by the way." added the man, pulling on his cloak's hem. 

"Well, technically I was sent in to kill you." Techno said, bracing himself for Dream to inevitably leave, never see him again, and let him rot in in this dungeon cell. 

"Oh." was all the prince mumbled. 

"...'Oh'? 'Oh'? I just told you I planned on killing you, and all you have to say is 'oh'?!" burst out Techno, looking up at Dream incredulously. 

"I-I mean, I didn't realize people could actually be like, 'sent in' or whatever to kill someone else I guess..." stuttered the prince. 

Techno sighed. "Why are you here? Can't you let me rot in the dungeon in peace?" 

Dream shrugged. "I don't know anyone else more interesting than you." 

Techno laughed. "I'm sure that's not true." he replied, grateful for the bone mask that hid his cheeks which flushed a pale pink. 

"It is. All the other prisoners are just thieves who thought they could steal from us, and everyone else just blindly follows everything my mom says." Dream said, plopping down in front of the bars. 

"Queen Puffy?" 

"Who else?" huffed the green-clad man, criss-crossing his legs. Techno pulled out his hairband, releasing his pink hair from the braid, and bringing it up in a ponytail instead. 

"Are there any other princes or princesses or whatever?" he asked, his hands falling back to his lap. 

"My brother Foolish." answered Dream, playing with one of the many rings adorning his hands. 

"Why do you wear a mask?" asked Techno, feeling bold. 

"That's my business." replied the prince firmly. 

The days seemed to go by quickly. Almost every day, Dream would come visit Techno, who was becoming increasingly more interested in the green-clad prince, with his strange mask that smiled constantly. One day, when the prince came down to the dungeon, he plopped down immediately in front of Techno. Even with the mask, the prisoner could tell Dream was watching him. There was a long silence, until Techno spoke up. 

"Is there something wrong?" he asked quietly. 

Dream took a deep breath. "Can I take off your mask?" he asked. Techno opened his mouth, at a loss for words. "I-it's fine if I can't, I was only-" 

"Can I take off yours?" 

The two masked men stared at each other. 

Dream nodded. 

"Go ahead." Techno said quietly. Dream reached through the bars, to the clip behind the prisoner's head, and unsnapped it. The mask fell into Techno's lap.

Dream gasped softly. Techno had dark red eyes, soft pink lips tilted up in a slight smile, and his entire face was covered in scars, some worse than others. 

"Wow." breathed Dream, feeling blush creep up his cheeks. 

Techno laughed. "What?" 

Dream shook his head. "It's nothing." he mumbled. 

"My turn." Techno said, leaning through the bars. He swept the hood down off of the prince's head, revealing his dirty-blond hair. 

Techno reached around Dream, and unclipped the mask. It fell to the ground, making a loud clatter, but they both couldn't care less. Dream had soft green eyes, and freckles sprayed across his entire face. Techno felt his face heat up. 

"You're really pretty." said the prisoner softly, drawing his hands back. Dream blushed furiously. 

"You are too..." he mumbled, looking down at his hands. Techno had his forehead rested against the bars, as he watched the blush slowly leave the prince's face. 

"Any other reason you came down?" asked Techno. 

Dream shrugged. "I don't know."

"Ok. Anything interesting happening up there?" asked the prisoner. 

"I-I guess. Weird masquerade ball thing for my birthday next week." replied Dream, playing with the rings on his fingers. Techno hummed, and tapped his fingers on the floor. He didn't see Dream lean his own forehead against the bars. When he looked up, he saw Dream very close. 

"Hey, Dream?" he said softly. 

"Yeah?" answered the prince. 

"Can I... can I kiss you?" Techno asked softly, looking into Dream's green eyes. The blond froze. 

"...yeah." he mumbled. Techno pressed a long kiss to Dream's lips. He pulled back after a moment. 

Dream took Techno's hand, twining their fingers. "We can't-" he whispered. 

"I know." broke in Techno softly. "But it's nice to pretend for a bit." 

"Duckling!" called a voice. Techno pulled away, putting on his mask. Dream pulled on his own. Down the cold stone steps came Queen Puffy. 

"Hello, Duckling, what're you doing down here?" she asked. Her gaze hardened as it landed on Techno. 

"I like to talk to some of the prisoners." answered Dream, turning his now masked face to his mother. 

"This one?" asked his mother in surprise. 

"Why not?" shrugged Dream, standing. 

"...Let's go eat, Duckling." sighed Puffy. Dream left, leaving Techno alone in the dark cell. 

The giant bolt cutters must have been hard to come by, but Dream managed. Techno had burst out laughing when he saw Dream carrying them, but when they cut the bolt holding the door closed, it didn't seem so funny. The swung open, and Techno stared at Dream in disbelief. 

"Are you-" asked Dream. Techno interrupted by rushing forward, pushing up both of their masks, and kissing him. Dream pulled back after a moment, and smiled up at him. 

"Come with me." Techno a, cupping the prince's cheek with his hand, a smile on his own face. 


"I know how to cook, we can steal a couple horses, I have a house in the north... Come with me." Techno asked gently. Dream pressed his lips together. Techno anxiously watched him. 

"Ok." said the prince finally, taking Techno's hand. "Let's do it." 

The prince of SMP disappeared with barely a trace, as did the infamous Technoblade. Queen Puffy tore apart cities and towns, but her Duckling was gone. Dream and Techno lived out their days in the north, far away from anyone


Don't ask, just take it and go

Wordcount: 1121

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