Ghosts pt 2

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"Eyyy!" Quint greeted, hanging out the window. They all ignored the absolute chaos around them. 

"Hey!" called the brown-haired man, waving cheerily, despite his nephew cutting down a soldier not four yards from him. 

"How are we getting outta here?" asked Quint, leaning on the sill. 

"Who's we?" asked Gavin in confusion. 

"Jeremy and I." replied Quint. Then he realized his mistake. "He's a ghost like Umber was, he won't hurt anyone, Sir." he said louder than before. 

Jeremy came up beside him. "Is there anything wrong, Quint?" he asked. Gavin just stood still, dumbfounded, as Quint gripped his husband's hand tightly. The general cleared his throat. 

"Sorry. Ms. Creed is coming around. Might have to explain stuff to her." his blue eyes flickered from Jeremy back to Quint. 

The door behind him flew off it's hinges. 

"I GOT A NEW LIGHTER SO IF ANYONE TRIES ANY SHIT I'M BURNING THIS PLACE TO THE GROUND." yelled Lilah, looking very intimidating with a large battle axe over her shoulder, and a lit lighter held out in front of her. 

"JEREMY IS FINE AND GOOD DON'T HURT HIM." yelped Quint, moving in front of his husband. 

Lilah lowered her lighter. "I was looking forward to using this." she muttered. "It doesn't matter. We're talking about your ghost husband later, follow me." she said, leading them quickly out of Snowmanor. 


Lol enjoy.

Wordcount: 230

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