burning pt2

17 1 0

Desmond was following the stretcher into their base, despite the pain in his shoulder. Josh's face was a burnt mess, that the young man could barely stand to look at, but he was his nephew. He needed to be there for the kid. Josh had been through a lot. Desmond wasn't about to pretend he knew everything, but he knew about Josh cutting his hair. Being scared of what his uncles and parents would think.

Desmond loved Josh. A man after his own heart. He smiled. Josh would have loved to hear him call him a man. The smile was immediately broken by tears threatening his eyesight. Thomas and Adam were carrying the stretcher holding Josh, while Desmond and Lilah had their weapons drawn, fighting off attackers as they ran across the blood soaked grass.

They ducked into the tunnel, and Desmond dragged some rocks across the entrance, his shoulder screaming in pain. He sheathed his pickaxe at his belt, and followed them down to the infirmary. Lilah and Thomas disappeared behind a curtain with about three other nurses and a second doctor with Josh. The infirmary door closed in front of his face.

"How's your shoulder?" asked Adam, looking in concern at the blood that soaked the gray fabric of his shirt.

"I'm in a lot of pain." Desmond tried to smile like he was making a joke, but it came as a grimace. Adam sighed, and got some bandages from a white back by the entrance of the infirmary.

"Take off the shirt." he muttered, digging through the bag. Desmond did as he was told. A deep cut slashed across his shoulder, going down his back as well. Adam washed the cut rather roughly, making Desmond inhale sharply once in a while. When Adam was done wrapping the bandages carefully around Desmond's chest, Lilah came out of the infirmary.

"Holy shit, I didn't realize you were hurt." her eyes were wide and looking at Adam.

"What-?" Desmond was alarmed. Adam twisted to look at her, his jaw set, and the younger man saw red across his ribs,

"Oh, what the hell, Adam!' Desmond demanded, slipping his shirt back on, and handing Lilah the bag, who took it quickly.

"No, it's fine, it looks worse than it is." Adam protested.

Lilah clicked her tongue, and lifted his shirt to look at the wound. "I'll be the judge of that," she muttered.


I'm sad now :,)

Wordcount: 406

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