The epilouge

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Snowmanor was dusty and broken down. It had once been the house of President and Mr. Creed, but now fell into disrepair after the war, and the Battle of Pandora. It overlooked the churning waters of the river and broken down subway. Behind it, the boarded up houses and shops of Birchborrow stood. Murders of crows screeched in the streets, huge crows that covered entire roofs. A couple walked down the road, their finger entwined, and wedding rings glinted in the weak sunlight. 

Umber Saint heaved a sigh as they stopped at the end of a road. 

"We first kissed here." said his husband, Edward Saint. They both looked around for a moment. 

"We did." Umber smiled quietly. The two stood for a moment, letting the stillness envelope them. The squealing of children came from down the road. Lilah was chasing her adopted daughter, Denise, and Gavin and Mackenzie's adopted daughter Maura down towards them. Umber could tell the woman was trying very hard not to swear. Umber laughed, and picked up Denise, disentangling his hand from his husbands. 

Edward took a hint, and picked up Maura. 

"Thanks." huffed Lilah, brushing her blond and black hair out of her eyes. The two girls were giggling like crazy. "The next Saint brothers." she said, rolling her eyes.

 "What, you mean you think they'll start an entire country because they were bored?" Edward chuckled, bouncing his niece on his hip. The three adults laughed, which sent the two little girls giggling even harder. Life was better now. Amet had been killed, somewhat, New Katalina was back to it's former glory. Umber had an amazing husband. His son was alive and well. Great friends. His brothers were fine. Everything was how it should be. 

Everything was better. 


So that was my first short story. Sort of an epilogue to a book I'm writing I guess lol. 

Wordcount: 314

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