Do you? (Improved)

13 1 0

After Umber cleaned everything in the office, Amet set down the book, and looked up at him.

"Why was this place a mess?"

"I do my research," lied Umber, planting his hands on his desk, and looking over the map on it.

"Do you?" asked Amet. Umber felt cold fingers on his chin, and his head was tilted to look up at Amet who had stood up. He was barely two inches taller than the mortal, but it looked more intimidating due to his serious look. Umber held his gaze.

"Yeah," he said firmly. "I do."

Amet looked down at him, his blue eyes narrowed. The two stared each other off, the god's gaze burning into Umber's. Neither of them moved. They were almost nose to nose now.

"What?" asked Umber quietly.

"Cold feet, yet?"asked the god softly.

The mortal's eyes flickered over Amet's face. He could feel the god's breath over his lips. Umber was slightly confused, as he shook his head. 

"You better not." said the god in a sinister tone.


Ok, but why is this kinda spicy

Wordcount: 173

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