8: I'm Tapping out

Start from the beginning

I check in on Naz. He just looked at me before laying his head back down. "Come on boy... Keep it together." I say as I stroke him. He looked sad and tired. The couple had been worried about him for a long while. It was like he's holding on for their sanity. They had taken him to the vet and had him checked over, he's in no pain he's just old they said.

I changed his water and the food that he hardly touched. I called the dogs outside as I watched over to the stables. They really need to get a golf cart or something to cross their garden... then again they're the outdoors type. The horses were all okay. I shovelled their poop out and laid more hay down for them. I filled their water toughs with the hose before locking up and heading back home.


"Daddy mummy won't stop crying," Lilly said the minute I came through the door. She held my hand and pulled me through the bedroom. She was sat criss-cross on Holly's floor sobbing into her hands. My other two daughters stood there looking concerned.

Dread filled me as I crouched down and wrapped her tightly in my embrace. "Girls can you go to the playroom for a while... Lilly, you're in charge." She nodded. "Come on Daisy." She took her hand gently and helped her out of the room. Holly looked nervous. "Mummy's okay sweetie," I assured her. "We'll be there in a few minutes." I encouraged. Lilly came back in being the big sister she was and took her sister's hand. "Come on, you can be barbie." She said leading her out of the room.

"Bee? Baby, what's happened?" I asked her when I heard the doors close. She just shook her head. "Phoebe, I need you to talk to me." She didn't say anything. I picked her phone up and unlocked it, her screen was on messages with Logan.

Logan Hill

Indie's not looking good... If you want to come and say bye, please come as soon as you can.

I couldn't think for a moment it felt like time had frozen everything was at a standstill. "They have to say goodbye, Paul." Bee sobbed bring me back I held her tight again my grip had fallen after I read the message. "There's still time. She can still pull through." I try and comfort her.

"I'm going to call Gemma and see if she can come over to watch the girls." She nodded. "Let's just gather ourselves for a minute." She nodded I helped her stand up, she went to the bathroom and I checked on the girls who seem to be okay. I was really proud of Lilly for looking after her siblings. She was reading them a storybook. She can clearly tell that something is wrong.


We were lead to a private ward of the hospital. I held Bee's hand tightly, I felt sick as we walked through the doors and our TVD family were mostly there. "Where are they?" I questioned. "In her room. With the doctors." I nodded at Kat's comment acknowledging it.

Ian came out of the room and he looked shocked at all the people that were there. His eyes were glazed with tears and he needed a good shave, his hair was a mess. I wanted to wrap him in a tight blanket and look after him. Comfort him make him feel better. But I knew anything anyone said wouldn't help in the slightest.

"Thank's for coming." I smiled at him. "The doctors just going through a few things with Indie and then you guys can go in and see her." We nodded and he went back into the room. I saw a glimpse of Isabella, somehow she looked worse than Ian. I didn't see Indie but I saw machines in there, like a wall of them.

I lead Bee over to Claire and they hugged it out. The wait felt like hours but it was just a few minutes in reality. "You're really good friends for coming out." The doctor praised as he came out taken aback by our large group. "You're welcome to go in and see the little superstar when you're ready." He said with a smile.

"Do we wait for them?" Candice asked. "Maybe Nina and Bee go in first and suss it out." Chris offered we didn't want to overwhelm them. "Come in guys," Isabella said with a forced smile on her face as she holds open the door. She and Ian stood on opposite sides of the room as we all come in. Typically the two of them are glued at the hip, especially when the other is upset so I understood why Logan may think Ian is being off with Isabella. But it could be Isabella being off with Ian. If she's struggling she shuts down.

I walk straight to Indie and look at her she's grown since I last saw her, only a little, and her hair started to come through again, I couldn't help but smile at her, she was such a fighter. I wanted to believe she'd pull through but with the private ward and Logan asking us to come in and the doctor literally put in charge of monitoring the machines. She hasn't looked away from them once.

"Fight baby girl... You're cousins miss you." I whispered to her. Lilly and Holly always asked to come and see her and Daisy drew pictures for her all the time. I smiled actually spotting one of Daisy's pictures taped to the wall. It was unrecognisable as to what or who it was meant to be but Isabella still put it up. I moved to the side going to Ian to see how he was holding together. "There's still time mate." He looked away from his daughter for a second to look at me then his eyes went back to her tired body in the small crib. "I think she's all out of fight." He said reluctantly. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Her Mum is Isabella Hill and her Father Ian Somerhalder...Neither of them are ever out of fight. Meaning she'll fight." "I'm tapping out... I'm out of fight." He walked out of the room.

I look over to Isabella she had her camera out and was filming subtly, not shoving the camera in peoples faces or in Indie's. I knew she had a plan of making Ian a video of fathers day, I guess now it just turned into capturing every memory for her.

Her hair was matted in a bun on her head, her eyes sunk into the dark circles under her eyes and her normally tan skin was pale, she looked like she was ill if I was being honest. I guess it was the lack of sleep and food and happiness she was experiencing right now. I had flashbacks from seeing her at parties when he dad died. When she was strung up on something or another and she had lost so much weight from living the life she was living... Bee was right, she had already snapped. And if Indie doesn't make it, I think she's going to go shooting into space and we're not going to reach her.

I left the room to let someone else go in, we didn't all want to be in there at once it was only a small room. I sat beside Nina, she looked sick with worry. I placed a hand on her knee. "They don't deserve this. They're good people." She said before breaking into tears. I rubbed her back as she curled over her head resting on my leg.

Through The Len's Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now