"1, Swan is an awesome first name. 2, you liked the idea of being married to mum" Marco replied with a large smirk, hoping he's right for their sake.

"I don't even like your mum" Regina said with a giggle, using the joke to hide her feelings.

She then felt a pair of hands around her waist, startling her a little. She smiled as she melted into Emma's touch, glancing round to see her. Marco chuckled at this, knowing they just proved the brunette statement false.

"You seem to smile a lot for someone who doesn't even like me" Emma said with a smirk, tightening her grip around the brunettes waist. "You love me and you know it"

"Just because I love you, doesn't mean I like you" Regina said with a giggle, slowly turning in the woman's arms. She quickly pecked her lips and slipped away, very aware of their son being there. "Marco, sweetie, you're working at open with me today, right"

"Yeah, I have to go up and get showered soon" Marco replied, sighing at having to work again.

"Morning, all" Rita tiredly said, entering the bar to make her presence known.

"You look like shit" Regina said with a chuckle, seeing the hungover mess her sister was.

"Yeah but I'm hanging, you look like that usually" Rita sassed in a sleepy voice, collapsing onto a stool.

Regina put her middle finger up with a fake smirk, starting to clean the bar. Rita's boyfriend then came walked into the bar, catching all their attention. He was stood in a pair of boxers and nothing else. His muscular and toned body caught the eyes of Marco and Regina, both unaware they were checking him out. Emma noticed the pair, raising an eyebrow at them.

"Seriously" she questioned, getting no reaction from the pair. Emma rolled her eyes as she turned to the lost and found, grabbing a shirt from in there. "Here, put a shirt on"

"Cheers, ombre" the guy replied, catching the shirt mid air.

"This is Dom. Dom, this is my family" Rita tried to introduce, not having the energy.

Before anyone could speak, a girl came walking out of the same door the other two did. All eyes fell on her, confused at where she came from. Rita sighed as she forgot about who was in her room, knowing this is about to get awkward. The girl turned to face the door, seeing as a guy walked out with a smile.

"Great night, you two" the girl said, waving happily to the pair.

"Yeah" was all Rita could say, feeling the volcano of embarrassment. As she looked back round, she saw the look on her sisters face. "Don't give me that look"

"Well, I-" Regina started, being cut off by another couple walking out the door. She frowned even more at this, trying to see if there was any more. "How many is in there"

"I think this is the last of it" Rita sighed, avoiding to look at her sister.

"See ya, Rita and Dom. Great night" the guy said, leading the way out of the bar.

"Please tell me you weren't doing what I thought you were doing" Regina asked in slight disgusted, holding a strict and angry expression.

"On that note, I'm going up to get a shower" Marco quickly said, leaping off the stool to hurry away.

"Yeah, wait up, kid" Emma added, following her son in a face pace.

"Dom, you best get going, this is going to be bad" Rita softly said, gesturing for him to go back into her room. The guy looked confused but obliged, walking back through the door. "I can explain"

"You decided had an orgy here? With your nephew upstairs and your sister in the room across from you" Regina asked in an annoyed voice, not believing what she just saw.

"I know, I was very drunk and I wasn't thinking" Rita said with a sigh, showing she was just very tired.

"I should hope you weren't, that's a terrible idea. I don't care if you want to go out and do that shit, I'm not your mother, but you will not do it in my home, ok?" Regina sternly said, shaking her head in disappointment.

"I won't, I promise. I'm sorry, Gina" Rita softly said, giving her sister the most upset look she'd ever seen.

"I know you are, I'm sorry I snapped. I'm just stressed and the last thing I need is having to parent you" Regina said with a weak smile, walking round to hug her sister; she then stopped herself. "Have you showered this morning"

"No and it doesn't look like you have either"

"I showered with Emma last night"

"Yeah, I'm sure you did lots of showering"

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