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Chapter 8 ~ Dhruv


"I want to-

We both spoke up at the same time. I gathered my nerves made a bundle of them and tossed it away from my body, if it was physically possible but I had to mentally be free of them to say what I have to say.

"you go first" Sahil said turning to me.

I nodded, opened my mouth but he beat me to it,"are these real?" His hand reached up my spectacles, "you need them or you just put them to look sexy?"

I leaned away baffled,

He dropped his hand grinning, when I was near an almost breakdown someone called me SEXY!?

Considering it was coming from Sahil and how he had a habit of flirting every second. I didn't think more about it, "I have a very high power and normally I put contact lens but at home I use them"

He again stared at me with fixed eyes they diverted to my lips making them tingle, "you should put them often, they suit you real well"

I laughed and it was a forced one.
He was someway making me nervous, shy and I couldn't put my finger on what that feeling was about? And whether I was liking it or not?

"Too many compliments Sahil they will get to my head and I don't like when you flirt with me, don't do it" I said, trying to sound irritated.

I didn't like when someone flirt with me because I know I am not beautiful, I am not that charming, my personality is just plain and boring so why this fake attempt to please me by spurting nonsense, that was untrue and it only made me feel worse about the things I was missing.


Don't know whether his compliment was fake or not but they sure did lighten my heart.

He stared at me with a little frown," I was just being honest"

The tension in the air was getting thicker and thicker. I cleared my throat gripping my seat, as I tried again, "Sahil,"

He looked up through his still long hair cascading his eyes.

I never get a clear look at those eyes,  the reason behind his long hair was to cover them? Or he was just too lazy for a haircut?


His personality was like liquid, takes any form,any shape and let's not even talk about the fluidity cause, his moments flow with zero viscosity.

I shook my head, I am a walking book.

"Do that again" he said watching me with his head tilted, which I guess was his habit when he tries to understand something.

"What?" I asked dumbly.

If I continued hanging out with them; brother and sister I will pretty much only speak what? what?

They are so unpredictable

"That little head shake that you do when you think something is crazy and ridiculous according to you but I bet it's just awesome like you!" he replied with a small smile.

I pursed my lips glancing away to shield my red face. I was sure it was red now.

What's the matter with him?
He can't get to be .. like.... that when he had a girlfriend.

I scowled, that should not bother me, I scolded myself again.

"You were saying something, Serra" he called when I continued looking or glaring at nothing.

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