Chapter 47 - Kail

Start from the beginning

They continued to talk, even as Brandon began to feel the levity over him fading away. The dream was ending. He prepared himself for the darkness that was coming his way.

"No." Kail smiled over at Brandon's twin sadly. Kail raised the blade before him strawberry light glancing off the silvery blade in his hands. "I betrayed everything I know for a future. We all knew that there was no going back, not for me. Or for you. I'm embracing the evils I have committed today, so that we can have a future. I've made the choice to do this horrible terrible thing to my brother....All that remains is for us to settle the score." Kail finished. And suddenly the light reflecting off his blade was blinding Brandon.

The sun rose fully out of the fogy mountains, dancing on top of the clouds below it, and glistening behind the two men.

And that's when Brandon fell. Every time it was the same.

It was as though an invisible stage had just disappeared from beneath him and down off the side of the cliff he plummeted. He lost sight of the two men completely as everything around him zoomed past his eyes and he fell into the darkness and the rocks below. For some reason he always dropped out of the sky at this point in the conversation, and for some reason he always woke after the darkness had stolen all life from him.

After feeling the rocks breaking him into a hundred bloody chunks and bits. After feeling his heart beat choking off.....he woke up choking for air, face wet with tears, and strangest of all was the pain in his heart.

Every time that he awoke from the dream the pain in his heart haunted him the longest. He sobbed into his covers, for the pain that like the men in his dreams felt all too familiar. But in the end the meaning behind it all, or even his own understanding remained alien and far from his soul.

But as always, once Brandon stopped the screams, took a few deep breaths and wiped his face of the tears; He fell back into a dreamless sleep.

Where he contemplated for the millionth time what it all meant. What became of the two men in his dream? Why did one of the men resemble him? And why did every single dream end with that damn fall into oblivion.

But no answers ever echoed back to him and he had come to accept that maybe none ever would. Besides there was more to worry about in Brandon's life right then.

Like the fact that someone was knocking at his bed room door.

"Hey stranger! Brandon!? Wake up it's been nearly two days." Ezekiels smooth voice called to him, making Brandon open his eyes and realize that warm sunlight was beating against the window behind the curtains to the far left of his bed. "My mother wants you to walk around a little, stretch out your legs. So come down to the kitchen after you get dressed, alright."

"No." Brandon sighed softly to himself. He got so little rest, that he was reluctant to peel himself from the covers. Not really caring if Ezekiel could hear him or not he ignored Ezekiels shadow beneath his bedroom door and focused on getting back to sleep.

"Hurry it up!" Ezekiel suddenly growled from the other side of the door and banged on the door again. Brandon realized that he could probably hear that Brandon wasn't making any strides towards getting out of the bed at all. "Hey are you awake in there?"

"Yeah!" Brandon barked at the door, making sure that Ezekiel heard him this time. "I'm awake all right!?" He dropped his heavy head back onto the bed with an eye roll. "Now just...give me a second."

He felt groggy, and still slightly feverish, but he thought he was doing well enough to at least attempt to get up so the Shifter would leave him be. Besides Brandon couldn't deny that he was ravenous. Warm and numb from sleep he managed to begin stretching the sleep away without any pain.

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