Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

"Well there certainly aren't any winners."

"Tell me about it. Logan hurt his finger. He had to have it bandaged."

"Who's that?" I asked him curiously about the blonde in one of the photos.

"Ah! Now that's the love of Harrison's life.

"Harrison fell in love?" I asked sceptically as I looked at the photo with wide eyes.

"Yeah. He met her in Holland and she doesn't speak a word of English, so she has no idea how incredibly annoying she finds him." Colin clarified with a chuckle as he looked over my shoulder at the phone in my hand.

"What's with the outfit?"

"She's a milkmaid."

"Stop!" I demanded with a laugh.

"She has cows. She has pails."

"Harrison fell in love with a milkmaid?" I asked again in amusement, needing clarification that this was the case.

"It's pretty serious, too. He ditched us and followed her to Amsterdam, where they've been hold up ever since. We haven't heard a word from him. I mean we assume he's gonna be back by the time school starts." He said with a laugh and I giggled with him. I sighed in contentment and leaned back into his chest. He wrapped an arm around me waist and kissed my cheek.


I was sitting at the kitchen table reading and drinking a coffee when my cell phone rang from the counter top.

"Yellow?" I answered it without checking the caller ID on the screen.

"Blue!" the person on the other end exclaimed and then started giggling uncontrollably. I laughed along with them when I recognised the voice on the other end.

"Hi, Sookie. How are you?" I asked my Mom's best friend.

"Hi, muffin! I just wanted to ask your opinion on something." Sookie told me and I could hear the excitement in her voice.

"Okay, shoot." I said as I sipped my coffee.

"So, you know how your Mom and Luke won't set a date for the wedding until Lorelai and Rory make up? Well, I thought that I could use Davey and Martha's christening to bring them back together. I know that it's a long shot but I have to try, right? I mean, I found a vintage cake topper that looks exactly like Luke! Exactly! Especially the butt. And I won't be able to use it on a wedding cake if they don't set a date. And they won't set a date until your Mom makes up with Rory!" Sookie ranted without taking a breath. The mention of my twin sister Rory sent a pang through my heart.

"Wow! Okay. That sounds good, Sookie. How are you going to get them both there?"

"I'm going to ask Lorelai to be Martha's godmother and Rory to be Davey's." she explained giddily.

"Awesome. Just tell me when and where." I said to her with a smile.

"Ah! Yay! I'm so excited now."

"Me too." I agreed with a laugh because her excitement was contagious.

"Alright, I'm going to let you go, Christa. I'll message you the details for the christening."

"Sure. Bye, Sookie." I said before I hang up the phone. I put the cell phone down on the table and turned my attention back to the novel I was reading. My gaze went back to phone as I debated with myself whether or not to call Rory. Gathering the courage, I took a deep breath and picked up the phone and dialled the number from memory. The line was ringing and I bit my lip nervously because I had no idea what I was going to say to Rory.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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