Chapter 33 - Scares

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It's a month later and everything has went back to normal. Aria is home and back at school.
"I mean we're not trying but if the test comes out positive then we wouldn't mind" Harper says as she walks throughout the firehouse next to Dawson
"But 5 kids! You almost died the last time! And your 34! That's old to have a baby!" Dawson adds
"I get that but-" Harper says as she is interrupted
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Suicide attempt" The intercom echoes throughout the firehouse
"Great" Harper says dreading the call as she runs out
They all suit up and drive to the scene. When they arrive they see a man standing on a roof without any protection
"We can't get him down, it's too dangerous for one of us to go up" The cop says
"Okay, Squad grab me a harness, I'm going up" Harper orders
Kelly grabs Harper a harness and suits her up
"Be careful okay?" Kelly says softly
"I always am" Harper says as she smiles
Harper makes her way up
"Hi there sir! What's your name?" Harper says calmly
"D-Dale" Dale says clearly petrified of falling
"Hi Dale! I'm Harper! Can you tell me why your up here?" Harper asks trying to get closer to him
"I don't deserve it anymore!" Dale shouts
"Deserve what honey?" Harper asks
"To live anymore! I've let them all down! My kids and wife!" Dale shouts as tears stream down his face
"I've been where you are Dale! I thought that I had let everyone down! But then I noticed that I was pushing everyone away! How many kids do you have honey?" Harper asks softly
"5" Dale replies as he moves his foot forward
"Tell me about your kids Dale! Stay right where you are" Harper says raising her voice a little
"I have 5 boys" Dale says as he smiles
"They can't loose their dad! I know they can't!" Harper shouts
Harper manages to get Dale down safely and they drive back to the firehouse. Harper has been having a little bit of a stomach ache on and off all day
"Ugh" Harper says as she sits on Dawson's bunk
"What's up with you sunshine?" Dawson says as she folds her laundry
"My stomach is literally killing me!" Harper says as she lays back
"Period?" Dawson says as Harper goes pale
"Late! Very late!" Harper says
"Do you have a test?" Dawson asks
"No i don't bring a test to work! That's not normal!" Harper says shocked
"I do! Come here" Dawson says smiling
"You bring pregnancy tests to work?" Harper asks
"Hush child!" Dawson replies as she hands her the test
Harper goes and does her thing and the test is sitting on the counter. The 2 minutes are up and she flips the test over to reveal....
*Authors Note*
Last chance! Do yall think Harper should have another baby? I really need to know! I'm kind of in the middle and don't know what to do? Comment your preference!!!

New Blood, One Family 4 حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن