21.Work!Work! Work!📝

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" He really is perfect. How could I love someone who can't love me back?( She sighs)
*My unrequited love*!" Jisoo thought to herself , but Taehyung caught her glancing at him. Then she quickly focussed herself on the files.

" Maybe, yesterday I shouldn't have been too hard on her " he said .

Many hours have passed and all of the employees left , except for Taehyung and Jisoo . Finally she finished the files and saw that Taehyung was also there so she went and give the files to him.

" Here's the files ,I've finished them" she said in a cold tone and tried to leave when he held her hand , her heart skipped a beat. She turned around and then he pulled his hand away.

" I'm sorry for yesterday,( he paused and continued) but from now on you should be more careful with your words" he said to her.

" So you still don't believe me, you're only gonna listen to her right ! ( with a low voice)..

" Jis-" he said but couldn't finish as Jisoo stole the talk.

"Ahh yes, if you want to cancel our marriage , I suggest you to make me the team leader for the next big project.( She paused catching her breath)  I know that you want it really badly" She said with a cracked voice and left his office.

He was stunt, nothing was running in his head except Jisoo's words echoed inside it.

" So that's what happening here"
Meanwhile Tzuyu who was hiding near his office had heard everything. She chuckled.

Jisoo is walking on the streets lost in her thoughts .

" Yes, cancelling the marriage would be the best thing for both of us" with this in her she walked as she looked down all the way home.

~The next day

Everything was happening as usual in work.
" Jisoo! Are you free after work?" Suho came and said to her.

" Yes!"

" I'll call you after work then! Bye bye!" He said and left.

Hours passed by quickly without any interaction with Taehyung  and then Suho came and called Jisoo and she happily went with him.

Meanwhile Jungkook came to Taehyung's company looking for Jisoo.

" Jungkook-shi!! ( Gasp)" Lisa shouted.

" Do you know where Jisoo-shi is?" He asked Lisa.

" Ohh she went with Suho!" Lisa quickly said.

" Thank you"

Then he went to Tae's office and sat infront of him.

" Why did you come here?" Tae said coldly.

" I came here not for you but for Jisoo-shi but she's not here" he sadly said.

" She left?" Tae said and raised his eyebrows.

" Yes and with Suho! I think they went on a date" He annoyingly said, crossing his arms and making a grumpy face.

" A Date!!" Taehyung suddenly raised his voice.

" Don't you know .. Suho likes Jisoo-shi and I think he'll ask her out today!" Jungkook told him.

" How do you know about it?" He said and looked curiously at him.

" I asked one of your employees just now!" He replied.

" No. How do you know he likes her?" Tae asked again.

" I saw how he stares and smiles at her, but who wouldn't fall for her. Right?.. " Jungkook said and went into a dreamy mood and continued
" Just her smiled could light up the whole room..
Her personality could melt anyone's heart
Her cute laugh could make everyone's day..
And she makes everyone comfortable around her"

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