iv. two fingers down

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everyone crouched down, shining their flashlight into the hole outlined with stone. "hey sarah, you got any candy down there?" alice asked. "we're high and hungry." when she didn't get the response she was looking for, she yelled, "sarah fier!"

"ok, we've seen enough." cindy mumbled.

"alright then, go home, berman." alice retorted.
"we didn't march all the way out here for nothing."
she flipped cindy off.

alice then climbed down the hole, followed by arnie, mabry and bryce. "are you three crazy?" cindy asked.

down in the house, there was tables, candles and books. "someone's been down here." alice called up.

cindy sighed and jumped down. mabry walked over to one of the candles and felt the wick, "like recently."

"look at all this witchy shit." bryce announced, sort of in awe.

"it's sarah fier." alice whispered.

"sarah fier isn't real." cindy argued.

"well someone lit that candle." bryce argued back.

alice found another room and pointed her flashlight down the entrance, "hey sarah fier, if you're down here say something." still not getting a response she turned back around, "maybe she's shy."

alice turned back towards the room and walked in, cindy followed her, "alice. god!" she complained.

mabry looked at bryce who shrugged, "i think i've had enough of the sarah fier shit." he announced.

"let's go look at this room and then we can leave." mabry suggested.

he nodded and the two walked in, stopping at the door they noticed a lit candle in the center of something, "you know what, i think i've seen enough." mabry decided, walking backwards directly into bryce.

he nodded, "yeah, let's go."

the two turned back around, mabry called over her shoulder to alice, "we're leaving!" and then they disappeared into the darkness.

headed back towards the entrance, they stopped for a moment, the others voices carried so they could hear what the three other teens were saying.

"it's some kind of, like, occult thing.. like devil worship. it's kinky." they could hear alice saying.

"it's the witches mark." cindy confirmed.

"the what?" alice asked.

"a deal was made with the devil. sarah fier cut off her wicked hand on satan's stone in exchange for eternal life."

bryce looked down at mabry, then back to where the others were, "we're gonna wait outside for you guys!" he yelled.

the two walked over to the entrance and mabry looked up, "how are we getting back up?" she asked. she was a good nine inches shorter than him.

"hold on a second." bryce mumbled, trying to figure out if he'd be able to reach the top. he could. so he pulled himself up, then he offered his hands out to her, lifting her out.

the two were sitting across from each other beside the opening that lead to the room. they were having a thumb war and after bryce had won for the sixth time mabry sighed in defeat, "let's play something else."

"what do you wanna play?" he asked.

"um, never have i ever."

he rolled his eyes, he hated that game, "okay, you start."

she furrowed her eyebrows as if she were thinking hard about what she might ask, "never have i ever done drugs."

he put a finger down and so did she, "never have i ever kissed more than two people in one night."

neither of them put a finger down, "never have i ever had a crush on someone way out of my league."

they both put a finger down.

bryce was quiet for a second, "never have i ever had a crush on someone at this camp."

both put a finger down. mabry moved a little closer towards him.

"never have i ever had a crush on someone from sunnyvale." he put a finger down.

"never have i ever had a crush on someone from shadyside." she put a finger down. he also moved a little closer to her

there was only a little space between them and they each only had one finger still up. "never have i ever wanted to kiss someone more than i do right now." she whispered.

two fingers down.
she closed the space between them.

seconds later they heard screams, causing mabry to jump back.

they heard a thump. "oh my god! no, no , tommy! stop!" cindy screamed.

bryce looked at mabry, they could hear alice and cindy screaming. "maybe they're just fucking with us."

"yeah, no, cindy wouldn't do that."

she had a good point.

they stayed above, not going below because they weren't sure what they'd be walking into and when they heard three sets of foot steps retreat, bryce gave it a minute and jumped down. greeted with a pool of blood pooling at his feet, he saw a pretty much faceless arnie.

he lifted himself back out of the hole, "we need to run." he quietly said, he was trying to not scare her but he had blood covering his shoes and splattered on his ankles from where he'd jumped down.

"what happened?" she asked.

"i'm not very sure, but i think tommy might have just killed arnie."

"what?" she exclaimed.

he put a finger to his mouth, he could hear shuffling below. he grabbed her hand and they began to run.

a note from LT!
this is so short i'm
sorry. i'm finishing
the book tonight.
sorry it's been a bit
since i updated ive
been trying to figure
out how i wanted it
to go.

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