vi. we're fucked

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she slammed the door, running over to sam to help her pull the desk over the door, "they're coming!" deena yelled.

"they're gonna keep coming!" kate retorted.

"we're fucked!" sam yelled.

"no, we're not fucked." kate responded, her eyes searching for wherever sam had disappeared off too, "they're fucked, sarah wants veronica and sam. she's coming for them. not us. if we put them in the hall, we end this now."

"you're a monster." deena said, walking up to kate.

"i'm being reasonable." kate argued, "we can't run anymore. a bullet won't stop them, fine. they're really strong. but we just tried to goddamn explode them, and that didn't work!"

"you're suggesting killing them!"

"i mean, that's not exactly what she's saying." josh added in.

"oh you're on her side?" deena asked.

"you'd let us all die to protect sam! look at this. okay, look at this, all of this. dead. dead. dead! this is the way! it's the only way!" she was pulling out the news articles and slamming them on the table. "they've gotta go."

veronica looked over at sam, "are you kidding me?" deena continued.

"i don't want you guys to die for me, kill me, maybe if i die they'll leave you alone and if it's not to late you can try and bring me back." veronica offered the suggestion. "either that or i'll come back and haunt your kids in a few years." she lightly joked.

"i'm going. i'm ending this." sam nodded.

"no you're not, are you crazy?" deena asked, walking up to her.

sam walked out the door, kate locked it behind her, "you're turn v." kate announced over deena's yelling, getting ready to unlock it for her.

deena nodded, "it's been fun guys." she gave them a nod and walked to the door.

kate unlocked it and she walked out. she stood beside sam and in the glow of the red exist sign lighting, one of the killers noticed them in the hall.

the camp nightwing killer.

goddamn it, why couldn't it have been literally anyone else? she grumbled to herself. she didn't want to die from an axe, that seems extremely painful.

he started walking faster towards them. a single tear slipped down her face.

and just as he was about to swing, the two were pulled back into the room.

"what's going on?" sam asked.

"you're not doing this alone." kate answered.

"there's another way. c. berman. she's the key."

"camp nightwing, summer of 78. group of campers. brutal massacre. there was one shadyside survivor, c. berman." josh explained, handing veronica a newspaper clipping.

"the still traumatized girl claims that amidst the carnage she saw the witch." she read out loud.

"yeah, just like you, so if she survived i'm pretty sure-"

"there may be a way for us to live too."

"i got it! c. berman! 9006 brennan way." kate exclaimed, looking up from the phone and address book she'd been flipping through.

deena ran to the phone and started dialing as kate called the number out to her.


the axe went through the door and a hand came through, grabbing a fistful of simon's hair. josh stabbed a scalpel into the hand.

"she died." sam said turning to deena.

"what? no, she's alive. that's the whole point."

"yeah, she survived, but, but first she died."

"c. berman was found in the woods. her heart had stopped but local boy performed CPR."

"what if that's how she survived? her heart stopped." sam questioned.

"she survived by dying."

"what is it? the fucking rhyme. the fucking rhyme!" deena yelled, turning to the others.

"she'll take your blood, she'll take your head. she'll follow you." the three girls turned to look over to where josh was holding a chair at the door and simon had his feet holding it shut as he leaned back onto the desk with a microscope that he was using to swat at the man in his hand.

"until your dead." veronica finished, "all you have to do is die. once is good enough because you technically died."

"it's just like kate said, the witch wants you two dead. so.. we kill you. and then we bring you back to life."

"what are you saying?" kate yelled from across the room.

"fuck it. we're dying tonight one way or another." sam announced.

"let's just try to bring us back."

the door was almost completely broke through so they ran for the window, opening them and climbing out.

a note from LT!
there's 32 minutes
left of the movie so
the chapters might
get a little shorter
in attempt to get a
full 10 chapters !

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