viii. emergency exit.

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[ authors note: since veronica is passed out and having an allergic reaction, (i don't even know if i wrote her reaction right because i've never had a serious one, i'm allergic to crawfish and like was not aware of that until this year and had a reaction literally six hours away from home in alabama of all places and my throat got really numb and i couldn't breathe or feel my tongue but after taking lots of benadryl i just went to sleep and was fine the next day , so if i wrote the reaction scene wrong , tell me and i'll go back and fix it.) since she's passed out, third person is going to revolve around all the characters and skip around to what's happening with them ]

"ok, i got stock room, you take the emergency exit." simon whispered to josh.

"whoa! no, no, no! splitting up is not a good idea at all."

"but dude, listen to me. i know that this is all fucked, but we gotta do this. kate, she's a crusher, she doesn't have time for most people." simon reminded him.

"i know. she's being nice because we're probably gonna die."

"no! ok, well, maybe we're gonna die, but kate is not nice. she sees something in you."

"so?" josh questioned, he wasn't understanding what simon was trying to say.

"so, see that in yourself, dude. we would not be this far if it wasn't for you. now we have to keep those psychos away from veronica and sam. so go. man up."

"deena, deena, what if we fuck up and just kill me?" sam asked, she was shaking. beside them sat an in and out veronica, she was still seeing spots and was passing in and out every few seconds.

"don't think like that." veronica mumbled.

"what if we can't bring me back?" sam continued.

"listen to me, when you left, i saw it all. my whole future, my whole life in shadyside, a night shift, a day shift, and a million empty beer cans, just like my dad. no way out. but tonight, even though we are in hell i feel like i have another chance with you. and i'm not gonna lose you again. because you and me are the way out. when this is all over i'm gonna take you on a date, and we're going to eat cheeseburgers and make out and listen to the pixies and we're going have the best night of our entire lives. but right now you have to die. but look at me, i'm going to bring you back." she turned to the unconscious redhead beside them, "i'm gonna bring you back to, simon would kill me if i didn't. you make him happy." deena rambled and reassured.

sam took the first pile of pills and leaned forward and kissed deena.

across the store, kate was walking down an aisle, she had a shopping basket in one hand and was putting stuff into it with the other.

she did this for a few minutes, peacefully as if two of her friends weren't trying to sacrifice themselves across the store. then she heard something fall and a lot of noise.

simon heard it too, he picked up a box cutter, walking towards the glow of the red light.

josh was still walking towards the emergency exit, he stopped for a minute but continued on, until he heard a loud band, he turned around. when nothing happened, he kept walking.

across the store, sam was now going in and out. the drugs were kicking in and she couldn't see straight ahead, deena was blurry and spinning.

veronica's body was still trying to fight the reaction, she was going in and out also, but she still had a pulse.

deena pushed some pills into sam's mouth, "swallow it, swallow it."

sam gagged.

simon was still walking up and down the stock room. he could hear that bitch that tried to kill him but couldn't figure out where the hell she was.

you always hurt
the one you love.
the one you shouldn't hurt at all
you always take . . .

josh was walking down the canned food aisle and stopped and turned when he heard heavy foot steps coming his way, still not seeing anyone.

deena was timing the five minutes before sam could take the next pile. it was almost five minutes when sam threw up the pills.

"it's okay. it's okay. i'm so sorry."

veronica stirred, but didn't come to, she was dead. there was ten minutes to try and save her. hopefully someone would get up there in time.

"behind- behind you." sam tried to explain to deena.

as she turned, the skull mask killer ran up, and just as he was about to stab, flames rose. kate had a lighter and hair spray, "go! go! go!" she yelled.

deena jumped up and grabbed kate's arm and pulled her with her. leaving veronica behind. please, kate, get her with the epi pen, she prayed.

"i need to die, i need to die." sam reminded.

"i'm going to figure this out." deena assured, looking around before her eyes settled onto something.

a lobster tank.



it could work.

a note from LT!
two chapters
left of act 1 , i'm
so sad :( but also
this will be the
first time i've finished
writing an entire Act
in under 24 hours lol
so that's interesting.
i'll come back and
do proofreadings
as soon as i'm done :)

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