i. shittyside

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[ an intro in veronica's point of view ]

shadyside. more like shittyside. a small town no one ever gets out of. but i did. i got out. my dad got a new job when i was in fourth grade, we moved to sunnyvale. i always hated sunnyvale. it was a perfect town with perfect people. but then i got there. and it was perfect, it wasn't a town to be afraid of, unlike shadyside, where murders occurred frequently. my mom didn't have to worry about me not being home at dark because it was safe, something shittyside aka murder capital USA, will never be. i had it all here in sunnyvale. a nice life. perfect friends. a perfect situation-ship (well not so perfect, he never would make it official) and a perfect family. until one night when i got caught up with three of the teens from shadyside and my best friend sam.

[ intro over , continue reading for chapter 1 ]

veronica nash was standing at her locker, she was applying red lipstick, "did you hear what happened last night?" a boy had run up and slammed into the locker next to her, causing her to jump and smear her lipstick a bit.

she closed the locker and looked over at him, "really mason?" she asked annoyed. he leaned over and kissed her, screwing up her lipstick even more. she rolled her eyes and huffed, re-opening her locker and pulling out a makeup wipe and fixing the corners, "no what happened last night?" she asked, having forgotten the original point of the conversation.

"another murder in shittyside, a bunch of people got killed in the mall. i think it was a high schooler that did it."

"who got killed?" she asked, it was no surprise. murders occurred on the regular there.

"you know the girl that works at the bookstore?" he asked.

she nodded slowly, she didn't know the girls name, but she had several conversations about horror books with her on multiple occasions, "no! not her!"

"yup, her and like seven other people i think, i was hearing it on the news as i left the house to come pick you up, which might i add, you weren't there, i sat at your house for like five minutes blowing the horn."

she froze, she'd left an hour before, getting to the school right as it opened and had found herself
in an empty classroom with one of the boys on the baseball team, "i, uh, had to get here early, i had an assignment to do," she lied.

[quick a/n: veronica and mason aren't dating, stop commenting that she was cheating]

she could've just admitted she was with luke parkinson, technically there was nothing stopping her, she and peter had a friends with benefits thing going but they weren't together, but peter was odd, he often bragged about the girls he hooked up with to veronica, but threw a fit if she looked at any other boy. it was weird, but it was nice knowing she had someone to call if she was ever bored. so she didn't question it.

he looked at her, almost like he could tell she was lying terribly, but before he could speak, she grabbed her bookbag, "i have to go, i have a cheerleader meeting for tonight's game." she admitted, before turning and disappearing down the hallway leaving mason by himself, until one of his friends walked up and they disappeared down the opposite hall.

veronica was sitting at her house, still trying to do her makeup, mason was supposed to have picked her up twenty minutes ago but was running later, at this point she'd miss the fucking football game.

finally she heard honks outside of her house, she picked up her cheer bag and walked out the door, yelling a goodbye to her mom.

she climbed in the backseat of the car where sam was already in. mason and peter were sitting up front, sam looked shaky and pale. veronica raised an eyebrow but didn't question it.

mason sped off down the highway, zooming closer and closer to the shadyside bus "oh god." veronica mumbled, rolling her eyes. of fucking course this is why they were late. probably out harassing the shadyside people.

"mason what are you-" she got cut off, mason threw a beer bottle out the window at the bus.

"don't you think you should be focusing on driving?" she asked as another beer bottle flew out the window, smashing at the bus.

she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples and when she opened her eyes back up, there was a crash and everything happened so fast. their car was swerving off the road and she hit her head. blacking out for a minute. sam climbed out of the car, opening the door far enough for veronica to also get out. the two landed beside each other and veronica felt something poke her hand. she looked down and thought she saw a skull but decided it was probably peter's stupid mask he'd had on.

she could hear whispering and muffled voices. were there other people around? her head hurt and her nose was bleeding and then she looked up, she saw someone hanging from a tree. why did everything go red?

then three people were crouching down beside them, well more so in front of sam, it was sam's crazy ex girlfriend and her two friends. she coughed to remind of her presence... and to clear her throat because it was scratchy... but coughed up some blood. the blood shot out of her mouth and onto the blonde boys shirt.

"oh shit." he mumbled.

the other girl (who was wearing a cheerleading outfit also) quietly reminded, "we shouldn't be down here. we needed to leave like ten minutes ago."

"we have to clear her airway." the boy mumbled, reaching up to veronicas chin, in a miserable attempt to tilt her head up just a little but the blood was still pouring and just ran down his hands.

the girl in the cheerleading outfit, veronica thought her name might've been kate, she wasn't for sure though, slapped his hand, "i got this! chill out." he insisted.

he looked back over at veronica and nodded (probably in an attempt to reassure her and himself) , "i've got this. how many fingers am i holding up?" he was holding up three.

"three." she mumbled.

"see? she's fine." then he turned away and she coughed again, a little more blood shooting from her mouth.

soon she was rolled away by an ambulance and once again everything went dark. when she woke up she was in a hospital bed beside sam, peter and mason were sitting in chairs across from the bed.

a note from LT!
okay first chapter
i kind of love it ,
i'm pretty sure
that they were
leaving the football
game when they
went off the road
but for the plot
let's pretend they
weren't , okay, so
i'll update again in a
little bit :) vote and
comment <3

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