i. i will survive

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a/n: surprise! your favorite couple makes an appearance this chapter :)

"so do you actually have a plan?" veronica asked, she was walking behind deena who was attempting to carry out a thrashing sam and place her in the trunk of the car.

"we're gonna go find this c. berman lady and figure out how to get sam back."

"what if she's not home?" simon asked.

"then we wait. we're getting sam back." deena insisted.

veronica nodded, deena slammed the lid of the trunk down and walked to the front seat, climbing in. simon and veronica sat down in the back. veronica sat in the middle and grabbed his hand, beginning to trace circles on it, something she'd do when she was nervous.

when they arrived, deena got out and began to pound on the door of the old house. when no one answered, she began to shake the doorknob. "deena you're gonna scare the shit out of this woman."

deena pushed a flashlight into her hand, ignoring her statement, "go check around the house."

veronica rolled her eyes, but turned around, grabbed simons hand and the two disappeared around the house.

she shined a flashlight into a window and saw absolutely nothing, "maybe she's on vacation?" simon suggested.

veronica looked at him, "i doubt it."

he opened his mouth, almost as if to say something else when they heard a crash and yelling, simon nodded "you're right, someone's home."

she scoffed and shook her head, grabbing his hand once more and going back to where they'd came from.

when they'd made it back over there, c. berman, josh and deena were headed out to the car. veronica shot josh a confused look but followed them over anyways.

"no! no you need to leave! right now! you have no idea what you're doing!" the lady exclaimed.

"wait! yeah, exactly. you are the only person who knows what we're dealing with."

"which is why i don't want that thing near me. get that car and it off my property." the lady yelled.

"her name is sam. you could have watched us dead on the six o'clock news but you didn't. you called us back." veronica said, walking up to the lady.

"i can't help you with this!"

"you are our last chance! the witch-" deena tried to explain.

"no, i'm sorry." she cut her off.

"my girlfriend is possessed by her and tied up in a trunk, but you- you saw her and you survived. what was different? please. maybe something happened to you, something that can help us stop her."

"there's not! you can't stop her. run. far as you can, fast as you can! that is your only chance."

"we can't just run! we can't just let her die!" veronica yelled to the woman who had begun to speed walk back into her house.

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