iv. somebody's watching me

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they were in the woods, back where everything started, not even a full twenty four hours before. god, she just wanted to go home and lay in her bed. she punches herself one more time. one last attempt to make sure this wasn't just some shitty dream she couldn't seem to wake herself up from.

kate was putting a headlamp on her head and josh was passing out more. "i can't believe you're wearing that." deena scoffed.

"i can't believe you're above it. especially when we're in the middle of the fucking woods and dead maniacs are after us." kate retorted.

as they walked down the hill, she heard a buzz she looked back to see a shadow by the ambulance and the lights no longer working. everyone had already made it down the hill but she was struggling and she fell, snapping some twigs in the process, "well this wasn't how i expected my friday night to go." she grumbled.

simon turned back to her and held a hand out to her, "aw, was the princess planning on getting wasted at a party with her football player boyfriend?" he teased.

"aw, is simon mad cause he didn't get to go get wasted and instead almost got killed by a dead bitch?" she asked, matching his teasing tone.

"okay miss attitude, get down this hill by yourself then." he said, letting go of her hand, causing her to hit the ground again.

she let out a huff, "help, please." she said, holding both hands out for him to grab.

he rolled his eyes, but nevertheless pulled her up. she smiled, not letting go of one of his hands and the two soon caught up with the others.

there was blood scattered on the ground and a skull.

"i saw that last night." she mumbled, squeezing his hand.

he turned to look at her, "i was right beside you and i didn't see it."

she shrugged, "my hands were over it, i thought it was masons stupid skull mask."

"i fell out of the car here, i was crawling and my nose was bleeding. and then- i feel something." sam recalled.

she reached her hand back down, "i feel it still." then she pulled and up came a chain and a skull."

josh pulled up a lock, fier, was on the lock.

"fier. it's her. it's her grave."

simon backed away, "oh no, no. no! this is bad! this is really bad!"

"no wonder the witch is pissed at us. i'd be pissed too." veronica added. she felt a breeze pass her. she turned, looking behind her, seeing a shadow behind a tree, she blinked and it was gone "somebody's watching me." she whispered under her breath.

her remark was ignored, "sam disturbed her grave. now she's sending her henchmen after us." josh announced.

"henchmen? as in every one of those sickos on your wall is coming after us?" kate asked, fear lacing her voice.

a twig snapped. josh turned, "did you hear that?" everyone turned and looked over to where veronica had previously been looking.

"hold up. hold up. she's mad because we disturbed her grave, right?" simon asked looking over to veronica.

"yeah. so?" veronica asked, confused as to why that was relevant to the fact that there was very obviously someone watching them.

"so let's un-disturb it! just put the bones back, rebury them, and put her to rest!"

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