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(Loki's POV)

"Damn it!" i yelled as i grunted whilst getting off the ground, Thor and Hunter B-15 got up groaning, not remembering a thing that happened.

"She left, she's gone." Mobius sighed running a hand over his face.

"What happened?" Thor asked, i rolled my eyes and leaned against the shelf behind me.

"You got mind controlled, then tried to kill me, then our Variants went through a portal, and Samara followed them." I briefly explained, Thor nor Hunter had no words.

As i went to walk towards Mobius Thor touched my shoulder "Brother i-" i turned and put up a finger.

"You're lucky your lightning didn't kill me brother, if it did, i'll haunt you for the rest of your life." i turned and went next to Mobius and his men, along with the Avengers.

"We didn't see anything." Tony said, Mobius grabbed his little tempad and pressed a button.

"Wherever they went, we need to find them." a portal opened up and everyone walked through.


I know Samara was a piece of work, but following highly dangerous Variants on her own, is something else.

So what she can shapeshift, she doesn't have dark magic like me, or thunder like Thor, or even a suit like Tony. She's just a normal girl who can turn into a kitty whenever she wants. she has already been through so much, why she's doing this, no one knows. i hope we can find her in time before they literally kill her.

We arrived in another Apocalypse in Pompeii, with the Volcano. at this point we were jumping from Apocalypse to Apocalypse. Hoping to find something, but no luck.

a few hours later, and a whole bunch of apocalypse jumping, no Variants, and no Samara.

We went back to the TVA and Mobius brought us all into a meeting room. Until the Judge that wanted us Pruned, Ravonna came in.

"Saw the Variants, and Samara." She said, I turned around fast towards her "They're gone, they went someone on the timeline and Samara is with them, not sure where they went."

"Did they take her? or did she go willingly?" Mobius asked, Ravonna sighed.

"Samara was the one with the tempad"

xxx(Samara's POV)

"Now tell me why you brought us to the age of the dinosaur era?" Miles asked cocking an eyebrow at me.

"It was the first option that came up, i just want to talk." i said and went to go on the tempad to change our location, come to find out it was out of juice "Shit..."

"Good job dumbass." Miles scolded me.

"Guys." Carly said, who was Tony's female Variant's name, she pointed behind me and Miles, and we turned around, and just our luck there was a giant Tyrannosaurus.

"Shit.. RUN!!" Monica yelled, we all booked it the other way trying to find a safe spot to sit and rest, but nothing was around us other than trees and grass, and dead Dinosaurs, of all places i choose here, like an idiot.

"Look out!" Miles screamed and grasped my arm pulling me to the side seconds before a giant T-Rex foot stomped there.

after a few minutes of running and dodging dinosaur feet, we saw a cave and Carlos pointed it out.

We all ran inside it and the giant Rex couldn't get to us, with his tiny arms and too big of a head.

"Looks like we are safe for now." Monica sighed out of breath.

"This is an apocalypse right? the Volcano should erupt soon and destroy everything, we need to find a way back." Sylvie said leaning against the rock wall.

"And how will we do that? Phones nor any electricity was invented in this era. we can't charge the tempad" Monica rolled her eyes. I ran a hand through my hair and slid down the rock wall sitting down.

"And who's fault was that?!" Sylvie shouted. All eyes turned to me, and i rose my hands in the air.

"Look i saved your asses."

"And we are about to die because of a Volcano that killed the Dinosaurs." Miles pointed to the outside of the cave, we all looked outside and saw many dinosaurs, luckily aren't carnivores. "Not to mention, the meat eating fuckers that also might kill us before the Volcano can."

"Calm down!! all of you!!" Carlos yelled putting in arms between us "The only way off this stupid Era is to work together, alright?!"

all of us nodded "Let's get some sleep." Sylvie said and she laid down on the hard rock floor.

"Is that even comfortable?" Miles made a disgusted face.

"Shut up and lay down, it's all we have right now."


i woke up to a large thud, and i was the only one awake, everyone else laid still not moving an inch, i was a wolf, which in my option is the most comfiest way to sleep. i turned around and it was pitch black.

"Samara." I heard my name and turned to the others, all still sleeping peacefully.

"Samara." i looked around and saw nothing, i walked outside the cave and saw Loki.

"What the fuck are you doing here and how did you get here? how did you even know where i was?" I asked, he snickered.

"It's an illusion, i'm not really here. where are you?" he looked around.

"No where important." i said and sat down licking my paw. "Besides, i just want to talk to them, hopefully get information."

"Samara do you realize-" i interrupted him growling, he looked at me confused. "What?"

i saw a velociraptor behind him, he went to turn around and he cant know where i am, so i touched his illusion to make him go away. I jumped at the Velociraptor and grabbed the side of him, digging my teeth deep into his scaly skin. He roared loudly and tried to get me off him, chomping his massive jaws and shaking, i looked like a stupid ragdoll on this giant dino. I ended up losing my grip and he shook hard making me fly hard into a tree behind me.

I get up groaning from the impact, and the Velociraptor inches closer and closer to me, drool hanging from his massive teeth. I'm screwed. he could kill me with one chomp of his jaw. I tried to backup and only realized the tree was behind me still. and i have no where to run, trees everywhere, a cliff not to far behind me, and the cave was behind this velociraptor.

i roared at him, and he roared back, as if ready to eat me. i jumped the side fast and immediately lunged onto his side again, knocking him over, he kicked and scratched but i refused to let go, thats until he kicked my side with his giant nails on his feet, completely obliterating my side, thats when i let go and fell to the ground, she large claw marks were on my side, and i'm losing blood fast, and my vision. my vision was going in and out, and i saw him inch closer to me, he went to jump at me but saw him fall, and get tossed to a tree, and saw Miles as a tiger, he grabbed his tail before he could jump on me and threw him into the tree, and before the Velociraptor could get up, Miles ripped his throat out killing him instantly.

Miles started to walk up to me, before he got to me, thats when everything went black.

THE BEAUTIFUL SHAPESHIFTER🐯 L. Laufeyson X OC Where stories live. Discover now