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As i walked alone, in the tall grass field, the only thing in my mind was food, just food, i haven't seen a living animal in what felt like ages, i was skinny, bloody, my bones and limbs were aching from running all the time, and that's all i do, run.

New York is a busy place for someone like me,
i feel more comfortable when i'm in my animal form, i can get away from people, not having to worry about the screams of little girls, or the yells of parents.

I was thrown out into the street by my parents, the last words being 'I don't want to walk around with a daughter like you.' of course, me being me, i believed i was a monster. i was only 10, human years, at the time. so i had no experience on my own.

I considered this long grass plain field as my home, i go there whenever i'm done hunting for the day, i have no job or money so it's not like i can turn into my normal self and go buy some food, and no one for even give me anything either, i hate New York.

I can do cool things as i shapeshift into my animals, change their colors, like with my tiger, my mane and back hair are blue, while everything else is orange with black stripes, i have some good fighting experience too. i've learned hell of a lot living on my own.

It's only blips of memories from my parents, being ignored and neglected for my whole Ten years of living, before they threw me out, and hey, do i blame them? no.

I miss having someone to hang out with and talk to, but i don't see that happening anytime soon, yes i can talk in my animal form, but i sometimes choose not to, whenever i see another predator i talk to see if they are like me, but i only receive silence, and they stroll away minding their business, unless they want to fight, which they instantly regret.

Whenever i would want to climb a tree, that's when i turn into a panther, or a Leopard. whenever i want to do certain activities i turn into that certain animal, i see an Antelope, my ass is turning into a cheetah and catching that sucker. but i haven't seen any, it's New York, no wild Antelope are going to be here, that's Africa.

I usually sit afar and admire the tallest building, it has the work "A" on it, and has a nice platform, whoever lives there must be lucky, with a house like that, you'll never be starving or sad, you'll always be happy with a pantry full of food.

My mouth waters at the thought of food, to the point where i didn't notice droll dripping out of my mouth, i used my paw to wipe it as i continued to walk.

i sit down in a random spot and face the busy city, it's getting late and i notice the tall tower lights are on, from the inside. so someone is living there, i'm so jealous!

I've heard of these hero's called the Avengers, i haven't seen them, or met them. but they sound awesome! i'm the type of kid when i was younger to always be interested in hero's fighting bad guys, i acted more like a boy than i did my own gender. i liked boy things, i didn't like girly pink dresses, or makeup, i likes hats, hero's, legos, cars, baggy pants, and baggy shirts, i guess that was just me, a simple tom boy.

"Woah!" i turned and jumped as i saw a man no older than 50 had his hand out looking cautious. i backed up with my tail between my legs. i'm a damn tiger why am i scared?!

"H-hey kitty, don't hurt me, just trying to find a piece of my heli-carrier that was just here." The man said, i cocked my head to the side. He had a helicopter come through here? "My Heli-carrier got damaged and i'm just trying to find that one piece, i mean no harm."

I stood up straight, debating on if i should talk or not, i wouldn't want to scare the man, but he seems sweet.

"my name is Tony Stark, i'm nice and would never hurt an animal, unless they tried to attack me so don't think about it." he chuckled softly to himself, i softly meowed like a house cat, but i wanted him to see i mean no harm either.

"Mr Stark did you find the piece?!" i heard someone yell from behind the grass, sounded like a young man.

"Not yet kid." Tony, his name was, said back to the man behind the grass.

"Look, i'm gonna get my piece and get out of here, alright?" Tony said, i looked down at my orange paws and then back at him.

"I mean no harm." i said, i swear the man went pale and looked to almost throw up.

"You- y- you just-" i interrupted him to save him the trouble.

"Yes i talked, i'm not ordinary Tiger you see." I confirmed, he stared in disbelief, if he were to faint, i would feel so guilty, i don't want to scare the man.

"Who are you?" he asked, letting out a sigh. i sat down and licked my lips as my long tail curled around my hind legs.

"My name is Samara, i'm a shapeshifter, i was born human but had the ability to shape-shift, my parents didn't like it and abandoned me so here we are." i cocked my head to the side trying to figure out the face expression he had on.

"So you're homeless?" he asked, i nodded slightly as my tail flicked around. "You have no where to go? no family?"

"They left me, left the state actually, my home technically is in this plain field, but i ate all the food so really i'm starving and homeless yes." I nodded, Tony's eyes widened, his pupils dilated, did i kill him?

"Where did you get those marks?" he pointed to the rather large scratches on my sides and on my legs.

"Hunters, and fighting with other predators." He nodded, he is probably thinking he's dreaming as he is talking to a literal Tiger right now.

"Do you won't eat me?" he asked, i snorted.

"Human don't appeal me." i saw him tense up and i laughed. "No i never ate a human before and i never will."

i thought it would make it easier for him to talk to me if i shapeshift back into my human form, so i concentrate hard, and i felt my surroundings change, and i felt myself get taller, noticing i was finished i put my arms to the side and made a little "ta-da!"

he was lost for words. "This is me." i raised a brow at him.

"You're a young girl, in the middle of a plain field, and eating animals as your meals for the day? what kind of parents do you have?" he joked and i shrugged laughing, my long blonde hair waved with the wind.

i groaned as the pain in my side from the slashes seethed more into my body, i was human now and more fragile, ever since that fight that caused the scratches i haven't even turned into my human form, so i can barely walk right now, my limbs almost giving out.

"Hey, we have a medic at my place, let me help you." Tony said as he caught me right before i collided with the dirt, i smiled a thanks and he found his Heli-carrier piece behind me, he grabbed it and picked me up bridal style and took me out of the large grass.

"Who is that?" another man said, the same young man that called to Tony earlier, he was shorter, wearing a simple T-Shirt and jeans, short brown hair, british accent, and his eyes were adorable and innocent.

"A homeless injured Girl Kid." Tony said, the kid shrugged and walked alongside Tony, all the way to... NO WAY!! THE BUILDING I ALWAYS ADMIRE!

this is the rich man who owns this building, that's amazing, i knew he looked rich.

We walked in, and i fell asleep even before we got to the Medic, as i heard muffled voices around me.

i haven't slept in so long...

THE BEAUTIFUL SHAPESHIFTER🐯 L. Laufeyson X OC حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن