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(Samara's POV)

i woke up with my head hurting, i don't remember anything that happened the past few days, it was all a blur to me. I remember growling at my friends, when i tried to force myself to stop, i remember getting thrown against a wall by Loki, and i remember the blood everywhere, and i remember getting a bunny thrown at me in a dark room and i attacked it as if it was an enemy, what happened?

"Samara!" i look up and see Bruce with his hands up in front of him, as if trying to tame a lion in a circus. I just look at him blankly and put my head back down, they all must be scared of me, they must hate me.

I still feel like i'm stuck in my mind, i have no control over my body, i feel anger rage and have a sudden urge to try and attack Bruce, even though i'm trying so hard not to, all he has been was nice to me, i shouldn't do that.

I hear the elevator open and see Loki and Tony walk through, shit.. Loki looks horrible, all because of my stupid actions on hurting him.

"She's awake." Tony said to Bruce, he nodded and explained how he found some stuff at the Hydra base that he mixed with his own, and that i look fine, i don't feel fine.

"Samara?" Tony asked as he walked closer, i huffed and looked away from him. "You okay?"

He noticed my muzzle and cautiously took it off of me. I licked my lips and still didn't spare him a glance. Tony went to pet me and i growled at him nipping at his hand, i don't even know why, i cant control my body, i'm stuck. Loki got closer to me, Tony tried to tell him to back away but he didn't listen.

He put his hand on my forehead ignoring my growling and trying to nip at him. He closed his eyes and then i felt my body relax, i stopped growling and trying to bite. "Samara." i heard Loki's voice, i jumped at the sudden noise that echoed in my head.

"i'm stuck, i cant control my body." i replied in my head, i saw his figure standing there in my mind, and he was talking to me regularly like it was a normal conversation we would have any other day.

"we are trying to help you, do you know how to reverse this?" He asked.

"no." i replied and sighed, Loki let's go of my forehead and we open our eyes, he turned to Tony saying no luck, but explained that i'm stuck in my head.

"She was in human form in her head, her dad may have locked her human form in her head so she can't transform." Loki sighed and turned back to me.

"Okay well let's leave her for now." Tony said, Bruce and Tony walked into the elevator soon followed by Loki, and they left. i felt alone.

I fell back asleep, and i woke up to the whole Avengers crew walking in, including Loki. i look up at them and Loki was leaning against a cart, while the other spoke amongst themselves, even though i could still hear them.

"What if we go back in time and stop them, there is no cure to her being Savage." Tony said, then turned to me, Loki stepped up.

"Are you sure that's a great idea?" Loki walked over to the group.

"It's our only option." Tony threw his hands in the air, i started growling at them, even though i cant stop it! All eyes turned to me.

"Don't worry, We will help you." Thor said, Bruce began trying to help with my injuries while the others left. They're going back in time to help me.

(Sorry this was a short chapter, but i promise you next chapter gets juicy!!)

THE BEAUTIFUL SHAPESHIFTER🐯 L. Laufeyson X OC Where stories live. Discover now