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"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that's what you've given me. That's what I'd hoped to give you forever." - Nicholas Sparks.

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"Are you sure about this?"

Louise gripped Spencer's hand tightly in hers, a nervous expression worn on her face.
Spencer looked down to her, musing at her panicked state, "of course I am."

The couple had only started to officially date only a week ago, the day after their first kiss. The days being together were a bliss; for they cherished each moment like it were their last - from holding hands wherever they went, to stealing a kiss or two everywhere. The days where Spencer were at work, mainly in another state, they even found ways around it - calling one another whenever he had time to, or texting a simple 'hello' with a dozen kisses; for the texts always made Spencer smile down at his phone like a teenaged boy in love.

Now, after a week of finally being able to call one another 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend', Spencer to managed to persuade Louise to meet the team he worked with - as he so desperately wanted his closest friends to finally see who had been making him happy for the past months.

He guided her through a large building, hand in hand, shoulders touching ever so slightly.
Louise stepped out of the elevator they were stood in, quick to straighten down the outfit she wore - for she sported a pair of jeans, a 'Fleetwood Mac' merchandise shirt and one of Spencer's cardigans draped over the top, the soft material almost swallowing up the girl as it were far too big.

Spencer chuckled down at Louise, "why are you nervous?" his fingers intwined with hers, gripping tighter in a comforting manner. Louise looked up to him with wide eyes, "what if they don't like me? or judge me?" her other hand pointed to the nasal cannula she wore - the tube sitting under her nose snugly, sending oxygen into her nostrils via a small tank that sat in her bag.

Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, tucking a strand of Louise's hair behind her ear, "they'll love you," he inched down so his eyes locked level with hers, "please don't be afraid." Louise nodded sheepishly, chewing down on her bottom lip with anxiousness.

He placed a hand on her cheek, cupping her face ever so delicately. Louise nestled the side of her head into his hand, eyes draping shut. Spencer smiled the softest of smiles, leaning forward to press a warm, loving kiss into her hairline. Louise pulled him closer, soon to wrap her arms around his shoulders as she planted her chin in the crook of his neck; feeling Spencer's hands hold her waist closely.
Spencer held her close, "don't worry," he assured, "I know they'll love you."

They pulled away from one another, Louise feeling the absence of Spencer's hand on her waist - and she once again took his hand in hers.

Spencer lead Louise through a pair of large glass doors, hands glued together, the glass panels reading 'Behavioural Analysis Unit'. She looked around her surroundings as they passed the double doors; seeing as an open bullpen were filled with desks - desks that held mountains of folders and all kinds of paperwork - desks that held family pictures or home belongings and desks that seemed overly too compact. Louise smiled, intwining her boney fingers with Spencer's, noticing as he pointed to one particular desk.
"That one is mine," Spencer spoke softly.

Louise smiled the tiniest of smiles, coming to a halt at her partners desk - she reached out her hand, tracing an index finger along the wood that even smelt like Spencer. Her eyes scanned the desk; scanning past the stacks of books that were read too many times to count, finished piles of paperwork that seemed to be the only ones finished in the bullpen, a small chessboard with its pieces still on there - unfinished. Louise let her eyes rest on a picture frame, seeing as a group, presumably Spencer's work team, all stood around with wide smiles.
"That was taken just before my two closest friends left," Spencer stated, now standing beside Louise with a sorrowful tone, "Elle Greenaway and Jason Gideon."

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