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"Life has pounded me down
and thrashed me around, time and time again, but I always get right back up, because I still love life - just as the earth still loves the rain." - Suzy Kassem.

* * *

It was a long kiss; with their lips pressing gently against one another with nothing but tenderness. Their lips moved in sync, and their tongues grazed one another passionately; feeling warm and comforting.
Louise smiled against the kiss, feeling as Spencer tightened his arms around her waist.

They lay in her bed, snuggled into one another in the early hours of the morning; legs mangled together, bodies glued beside one another and duvet lazily draped over them.

Late in the night before, Spencer had knocked on Louise's front door - he had just come back from a stressful case, and the only thing on his mind were his beloved girlfriend; wanting to see her as soon as possible. At work, he had missed her touch; missed her smile and missed being kissed softly. He missed the absence of her; because he could not get enough of it. Spencer had knocked on her door with a distressed expression worn on his face and with his hair messily resting upon his shoulders; the suit jacket he wore was folded in his arms and the tie around his neck was loosely undone.
Louise had gladly opened the door wider, yawning - for it were extremely late - welcome her stressed boyfriend into her cozy apartment.

After resting upon Louise's bed, the two fell asleep in one another's arms - with Spencer holding her from behind, his arms strongly wrapping around her torso as she curled into a ball beside him, pressing her cheek up against his chest; hearing each beat of his heart - finding it somewhat comforting. Somewhen in the night, Louise could of sworn she had felt Spencer play with her hair - for she felt strands of her locks being looped around a finger, gently being pulled.

Now, early in the morning, they lay wide awake, pressing soft and tender kisses to one another's lips. Their arms wrapped around one another, arms pressing against their skins; warm to warm contact. The duvet were pushed away from them, folding in a heap at their feet - and the sunlight bled through the cracks of the closed blinds, leaking a golden pattern on their bodies.

"You're beautiful," Spencer spoke softly, his voice deep and raspy. Yet not even a 'good morning' - his words were a simple yet perfect way to start her day - 'you're beautiful'. His eyes scanned Louise's face; scanning over each detail she had - like how her skin glowed in the subtle sunlight, or how strands of her tangled locks stuck to her face from where she slept on only one side. The hazel irises of hers brushed over Spencer's face as his eyes admired hers adoringly.
Louise blushed, pressing her head deeper into the pillow she lay on, directing her arms around the mans torso in an attempt to nudge herself closer.

Spencer felt his heart skip a beat, and he allowed Louise to hug herself into his chest, almost feeling her heart beat against his. She looked up to him; seeing as his long hair stuck up in different directions from the tossing and turning in his sleep, or the way his cheekbones shone under the light of the warm sun - or even how his tongue traced his bottom lip as his eyes locked onto hers. Louise could only stifle a sad smile, a feeling swirling inside her that she'd never felt before.

She felt deeply and heavily sad, all of a sudden. A sadness that wasn't like one she had felt when her mother had passed away, or when she were told at a young age that she wouldn't live long. It was a sadness that made Louise really realise her inevitable death - making her remember that lying in bed with Spencer, all cuddled up, would not last forever.
That spending each given moment with him would only brush away and turn into a memory soon enough.

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