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I'm walking through the hallways of the palace, searching in every room to find the person I've been missing for such a long time. It's enough. I'm done with my whole life. I need to take him with me and escape this place as fast as I can.

I can do this. I know I can. I'm a strong and powerful woman.

I instantly hide behind the wall after finally arriving in the basement, which only Taehyung can enter with or without knights. The knights are currently standing in front of a door, trying to make sure no one comes down here without permission.

I don't care though. I do what I want. And what I want is to search for my father.

I might feel like slapping, hitting, and killing him. What he's done to my sisters and me is unforgivable. But still. He's my dad. I don't want his life to end like this. That's just cruel.

I inhale and exhale, trying to be as quiet as I am.

"I need you two to come with me. It has to be quick. That daughter of his is still waiting in the carriage for me," Taehyung's voice suddenly appears after I hear him close a door which he might have stepped out from.

I can hear them leave and close the doors to the basement, making me sigh in relief.

I finally step out of my place and walk straight up to the first door which comes into my view. I'm nervous as hell. My father could be anywhere. Whatever. I need to take risks.

I'm so naive. So damn naive. How could I just trust some stranger, move in with him and try to fall in love with him? That's just stupid. I'm so stupid.

Taehyung seemed so sweet and innocent the first time II laid my eyes on him. He was just so pure and friendly, I couldn't help but fall for his bold trap. I hate this and I hate him. Kim Taehyung needs to be exterminated.

Tears start welling up again at the thought of how beautiful a lie can look. It's unbelievable. I manage to finally hold the tears back and open the door.

There he is. All bruised and beaten up. His white clothes are ripped and covered by lots of dirt as well as blood. His hands are tied up while he's just sitting there, his eyes all red from all the pain he must've been through.

His voice sounds raspy and dry as he starts speaking. "Y-Y/N?" He looks at me with his big doe eyes, completely confused by me just standing there in the middle of the room.

His voice brings up so many memories. Cruel and good memories.

He made me live in a nasty and bad way. And my sisters as well. He somehow deserves this, but he's still my father.

"D-Dad?" The tears suddenly start falling from my eyes as I break down in front of him. I kneel down in front of him to take untie him but he stops me out of a sudden, making me frown. "Dad, what are you doing?" I ask him, clearly irritated.

He just softly smiles at me, a clean and beautiful smile. Something I've never seen before coming from him. What the hell is up with him? Why doesn't he let me untie him?

"Dad, let me-" He cuts me off. "Please stop, Y/N," He says and I can sense already that there's something not right. I hear light drops, which make me look down as my gaze stops on his stomach. Blood. There's blood. Lots and lots of blood.

"I love you, Y/N. You, your mother, your sisters. I'm sorry, I couldn't be the dad, you've always wanted. I hate myself and I won't ever forgive myself for what I have done to you guys," Tears of regret fall down his cheeks, making me cry even more.

No. Please no. I don't want this to happen.

"D-Dad, don't say such things," I say and try to untie him, even though I feel super weak at this point. I can't even move. I can't think straight.

"I love you, Y/N,"

I turn my head around as soon as I hear someone hitting the door open with their foot. Knights enter the room. But those aren't the knights from here. The crest is clearly the one from Jimin's palace. My eyes widen and I instantly turn my attention back to my father.

"Father you-" I suddenly feel two strong hands grabbing my waist, carrying me away from my dad. "No!" I scream as loud as I can, still reaching out for him as my tears fall down. My heart just shattered into a million pieces at the sight of my father dying in front of my eyes.

Why did I deserve this?

Oh god.

No no no!

I turn my head, trying to see the person who has me over their shoulder but I still can't see anything.

The people are fighting here, Jimin's knights against Taehyungs. What is even going on here? No, that shouldn't matter. The fact that this random guy prevented me from saving my father is currently the only fucking thing I should definitely care about.

As we finally reach the backyard, I punch the guys neck, making him let me instantly fall onto the grass.

"What the hell, Y/N!" His voice suddenly appears making my eyes widen as more and more tears fall down my already swollen and red eyes.

"You..." I look at him, mad as hell. I could kill him. What the fuck did he do? He ruined my entire life. Oh my god.

I get up and rush over to him, punching his chest over and over again, feeling so frustrated and upset. "I hate you I hate you I hate you!" I yell and scream my lungs out while he let's me do so. "Jimin, why?" I scream. "Why? Why? Why?" I repeat three times.

My arms give up as I take them down and my face hits his chest and his arms wrap around my body, a peaceful and familiar warmth covering me, while I cry. "Why?" I whisper this time, tired and feel him caressing my hair.


A KING'S OBSESSION | JMOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz